7T Structural MRI scans ATAG

Structural brain data is key for the understanding of brain function and brain networks, i.e., connectomics. Here we present data sets available from the ‘atlasing of the basal ganglia (ATAG)’ consortium, which provides ultra-high resolution 7Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans from young, middle-aged, and elderly participants. The ATAG data sets include whole-brain and reduced field-of-view MP2RAGE and T2* scans with ultra-high resolution at a sub millimeter scale. The data can be used to develop new algorithms that help building new high-resolution atlases both in the basic and clinical neurosciences. Also these atlases can be used to inform the exact positioning of deep-brain electrodes relevant in patients with Parkinson’s disease and neuropsychiatric diseases. Our results indicate that ATAG data sets allow direct visualization of smallest structures in the subcortex as well as of the brain stem.
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