BrainVoyager EDU

The freely available educational version of BrainVoyager (“BrainVoyager EDU”) allows anyone to learn how to analyse structural and functional MRI datasets using the powerful computational tools and visualization features of the commercial BrainVoyager product.
BrainVoyager EDU is a fully functional version of BrainVoyager but operations are limited to specific source files, referred to as “enabled datasets”.
These enabled datasets are accompanied by extensive tutorials describing step-by-step how to analyse structural and functional MRI data with BrainVoyager. At present there are two bundled documents (“Basic Visualizations using Brain Tutor Data” and the “Getting Started Guide”) and more will be added over time. Processing of enabled datasets is not limited in any way, i.e. the data can be processed using any BrainVoyager tool, and nearly any plugin or script.

