FPS-fMRI paradigm analysis code with sample face-localizer data

Code and sample data for fast-periodic-stimulation (FPS) fMRI analysis, as in Gao, X., Gentile F., & Rossion, B. (2018). Fast periodic stimulation (FPS): a highly effective approach in fMRI brain mapping. Brain Structure and Function, 223(5), 2433-2454, doi: DOI: 10.1007/s00429-018-1630-4. The code runs in Matlab, you will need to add spm matlab functions and nifiti toolbox to your Matlab search path. The data contain two face-localizer runs (will need to unzip the files first, inside of the "preprocessed" folder). The "brainMask.nii" file is created based on the time averaged data of the first run. Run "FPSfMRIAnalysis.m" and find the output files in the "Results" folder. For any question, email: xiaoqinggao@zju.edu.cn. :)

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