Infant Macaque MRI And DTI Templates
This is a multi-mode (T1w and DTI) brain template of monkeys during late infancy based on longitudinal data (from 6 months to 16 months), which will help spatial normalization, voxel-based and tract-based analyses in non-human primates.
Lots efforts were made to ensure the quality:
1) we manually skull-striped brains for all T1w&DTI data (120+ brains). The time-consuming procedure guaranteed more accurate brain extraction than automatic methods (3dSkullStrip or BET).
2) We had tested different methods, and the best ones were chosen to build the T1w (by ANTS) and DTI (by DTI-TK) templates.
3) We also made high quality template-related files, including parcellation maps, tissue probability maps, inferior cingulum mask for TBSS, and templates for each time point.
Detailed information about monkeys and methods of building templates can be found in:
Liu,C, et al. "Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: a longitudinal MRI and DTI study." NeuroImage (2015).
Lots efforts were made to ensure the quality:
1) we manually skull-striped brains for all T1w&DTI data (120+ brains). The time-consuming procedure guaranteed more accurate brain extraction than automatic methods (3dSkullStrip or BET).
2) We had tested different methods, and the best ones were chosen to build the T1w (by ANTS) and DTI (by DTI-TK) templates.
3) We also made high quality template-related files, including parcellation maps, tissue probability maps, inferior cingulum mask for TBSS, and templates for each time point.
Detailed information about monkeys and methods of building templates can be found in:
Liu,C, et al. "Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: a longitudinal MRI and DTI study." NeuroImage (2015).
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