Ratings & Reviews   User Reviews  ( 36 )   Published Reviews  ( 11 )
Overall: 4.5 out of 5Installation: 4 out of 5Documentation: 4 out of 5

Individual Rating Results for FSL

Review 6 of FSL on May 29, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  3 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5

Review 5 of FSL on Apr 15, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  3 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- Very powerful and easy to use  Installation -- The download process is a bit annoying: it's not possible to see versions on what you download, and the installer did not work completely as expected.  Documentation -- Very nice documentation, both with the distribution and (especially) on the Web.  
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Similar Tool/Resource -- SPM5  

Review 4 of FSL on Apr 14, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  5 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- This is a GUI based best software available for fuctional imaging and DTI analysis.   Installation -- They have an installer program that does everything for you ( for the linux and mac versions). The windows needs more tools to install.   Documentation -- They explain step by step for functional and DTI analysis. It is a no-brainer documentation! But for the DTI analysis, they don;t explain what happens in each step ind detail. It would be better if they update the documents.   Long-term -- This is the best tool there is. I have used AFNI, spm AND FSL. More and more people are swictching to this software.   Feature Requests -- More detail documentation for DTI Analysis.   
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Tool/Resource Transition -- None! I shifted from AFNI and am glad I did.   

Review 3 of FSL on Apr 14, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  2 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- It was easier to use without having an extensive background in programming than SPM.   Installation -- It took a very long time and had many steps to follow.  Feature Requests -- A feature for visualizing data in forms used by other programs in order to compare results from other groups. No these features are not available in other tools. It would just be nice to have but aren't critical.  
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Similar Tool/Resource -- SPM, matlab  

Review 2 of FSL on Apr 14, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Installation -- HUGE file!  Documentation -- Use the fsl course lectures for additional practical help  

Review 1 of FSL on Mar 04, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- It does what it sez it does, and is a very comprehensive set of tools. It works nicely with other programs. The default analysis parameters are set well.  Installation -- installed pretty easily. precompiled for numerous platforms.  Documentation -- Good, each tool has it's own documantation webpage.  Long-term -- This is an excellent set of tools, and they're expected to be around for the long haul.  
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Similar Tool/Resource -- SPM for fMRI and VBM. FreeSurfer for segmentation.  

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