flirtmat_write | |
Type: Class |
Category: Math Functions |
License: GNU General Public License |
Language: MATLAB |
Description: save a 4-by-4 matrix to a file as handled by flirt -init Example: flirtmat_write(fname, affinemat) |
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function flirtmat_write(fname, mat)
%flirtmat_write: save a 4-by-4 matrix to a file as handled by flirt -init
% Example:
% flirtmat_write(fname, affinemat)
% See also: flirtmat_read, flirtmat2worldmat, worldmat2flirtmat
% Copyright 2009 Ged Ridgway <ged.ridgway>
fid = fopen(fname, 'w');
% Note that transpose is needed to go from MATLAB's column-major matrix to
% writing the file in a row-major way (see also flirtmat_read)
str = sprintf('%f %f %f %f\n', mat');
fprintf(fid, str(1:end-1)); % drop final newline
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