worldmat2flirtmat | |
Type: Class |
Category: Searching |
License: GNU General Public License |
Language: MATLAB |
Description: convert NIfTI world (mm) coordinates matrix to flirt Example: [flirtmat spmvoxmat fslvoxmat] = worldmat2flirtdmat(worldmat, src, trg); |
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function [flirtmat spmvoxmat fslvoxmat] = worldmat2flirtmat(worldmat, src, trg)
%worldmat2flirtmat: convert NIfTI world (mm) coordinates matrix to flirt
% Example:
% [flirtmat spmvoxmat fslvoxmat] = worldmat2flirtdmat(worldmat, src, trg);
% See also: flirtmat2worldmat, flirtmat_write
% Copyright 2009 Ged Ridgway <ged.ridgway>
if ischar(src)
src = nifti(src);
if ischar(trg)
trg = nifti(trg);
spmvoxmat = inv(src.mat) * worldmat * trg.mat;
addone = eye(4); addone(:, 4) = 1;
fslvoxmat = inv(addone) * spmvoxmat * addone;
trgscl = nifti2scl(trg);
srcscl = nifti2scl(src);
flirtmat = inv( srcscl * fslvoxmat * inv(trgscl) );
function scl = nifti2scl(N)
% not sure if this is always correct with rotations in mat, but seems okay!
scl = diag([sqrt(sum(N.mat(1:3,1:3).^2)) 1]);
if det(N.mat) > 0
% neurological, x-axis is flipped, such that [3 2 1 0] and [0 1 2 3]
% have the same *scaled* coordinates:
xflip = diag([-1 1 1 1]);
xflip(1, 4) = N.dat.dim(1)-1; % reflect about centre
scl = scl * xflip;
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