Below is feedback for the NITRC website as submitted by registered NITRC users. You may use the Quick Query or Power Query to update the list to criteria important to you. If you are looking for feedback related to a specific tool/resource hosted by NITRC, please navigate to that tool/resource and look for feedback there.

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ID Summary Open Date Close Date Priority Assigned To Submitted By
9612Specific Unsubscribe problem* 2020-05-08 14:57 3NobodyJames Hartzell
9628After click [submit], I can't download data* 2020-06-12 04:34 3NobodySun Jinhan
9680question of insufficient privileges* 2020-09-24 13:27 3NobodyHuang Linwei
10259BrainNet 工具箱的安装目录下找不到 Config 文件夹* 2023-06-15 02:00 3Nobodyhong zhang
10392Requesting information regarding the current availability or location of ADRC Clinical Data previously included in the OASIS-3 dataset* 2024-06-06 09:42 3Nobodykai wu
10445BabelBrain PubMed summary should have one entry* 2024-11-04 22:45 3NobodyMorgan Hough
* Denotes requests > 30 Days Old

Priority Colors

1 2 3 4 5