[#4556] What about ParamImage and ParamMovie ?

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State: more information
2010-01-15 19:00
Priority: more information
Submitted By:
Blake Lucas (blacklight)
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Nobody (None)
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Summary: more information
What about ParamImage and ParamMovie ?

Detailed description

From a developer's perspective, it's not obvious that ParamVolume is intended to be used for 2D images. It would be great to have a trivial parameter type called ParamImage that extended ParamVolume. The only difference would be that ParamImage is a ParamVolume with only 1 slice and 1 component. It would also be great if there was a ParamMovie, which is a ParamVolume with a time resolution. This would enable forthcoming visualization components to render the data as intended (i.e. as a 2D image or movie).



Date: 2010-01-15 19:18
Sender: Bennett Landman

Since a 2-D image is just a 3-D image with one volume, then it seems =
that the existing infrastructure works, but perhaps with confusing =
names.... ParamImageData would have been more appropriate, but alas, not =
to be.=20

In terms of ParamMovie, this seems like it might make sense to support =
additional file formats and intended targets. I'm not sure if this =
should extend ParamVolume of if it should be a separate tree... I =
welcome the discussion on the targets and functionality.=20

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