[#4663] Quality assurance logging; how to implement?

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State: more information
2010-03-05 10:56
Priority: more information
Submitted By:
dpolders (dpolders)
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Quality assurance logging; how to implement?

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When I was discussing the use of JIST with Craigh, we came upon a new type of functionality, and now Im struggling to find a way to implement it.

It would be great, maybe even essential, if a processing pipeline not only returns the processed data, but also a set of quality parameters. One might be interested in the mean error of some fitting, or the registration distance needed to register two volumes on each other. By eye-balling these quality parameters, one would be able to point out clearly erroneous datasets.

Rather then to add a whole slew of new output parameters, it might be easier (at least more backwards, compatible) to do this on some type of logging level.
So, maybe introduce a specific logging level "quality assurance", that is read out by a process and returned in a simple csv file or such.

Another approach would be to add a single "Quality" parameter to each module, which can contain a number of values. A single new module could then collect all these quality parameters and return them in a list view.

Again, the aim is to have a clear overview of the quality of all crucial steps of the pipeline, where one would be able to spot outlier datasets by their difference with respect to the output scalars of regular datasets.

Let me know what you guys think, and what would be the best way to proceed.



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