[#5245] Option to limit the number of simultaneous tasks that use the GPU

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State: more information
2010-09-30 00:52
Priority: more information
Submitted By:
Blake Lucas (blacklight)
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Nobody (None)
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Summary: more information
Option to limit the number of simultaneous tasks that use the GPU

Detailed description

With the recent support for OpenCL in JOGL (http://jogamp.org/), it's now easy to import GPU code into Java. Users have noticed 10 to 50 times speed-up on a number of common image processing tasks. The problem is that the GPU is a shared resource among simultaneous running jobs and the jobs can run out of memory if they are all using the graphics card at the same time, causing all the jobs to fail. It would be nice to have an option in the process manager that limits the number of simultaneous jobs that use the GPU, where the GPU utilization flag is specified in the plug-in class.


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