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Showing 1-9 of 9

Post DateHeadline
Mar 6, 2014 MRtrix version 0.2.12 released
MRtrix version 0.2.12 is now available for download. This is a minor release with the following key enhancements: - DICOM multi-frame support - enhanced ROI drawing tools in MRView...
Mar 14, 2013 MRtrix version 0.2.11 released
MRtrix version 0.2.11 is now available for download. This is a minor release with the following key enhancements: - compressed NIfTI support (*.nii.gz) - DICOM multi-frame support -...
Feb 16, 2012 MRtrix version 0.2.10 released
MRtrix version 0.2.10 is now available for download. This is a minor release with the following enhancements: - easier install via './build install' - support for MacOS X - new...
Apr 14, 2010 MRtrix Version 0.2.8 released
This is mostly a bug fix release, but there are a few important changes: - a few minor bug fixes to work on latest distributions, in particular Ubuntu 9.10; - new preliminary DICOM...
Aug 26, 2009 MRtrix Version 0.2.7 released
This release fixes a potentially problematic bug that caused incorrect scaling of the FA values. The FA values produced by previous versions of MRtrix were underestimated by approx....
Mar 19, 2009 MRtrix Version 0.2.6 released
This release fixes a serious bug in the "streamtrack" tracking program. This bug caused incorrect tracking results in cases where the DWI data sets were acquired in an oblique...
Sep 3, 2008 MRtrix Version 0.2.5 released
This release introduces NIfTI support, allowing interaction with other packages such as SPM5 and FSL. This is particularly useful for performing coregistration of anatomical images...
Aug 4, 2008 Version 0.2.4 released
This release provides two new features: - an overlay of the orientation plots on the main viewer window (see the screenshot section), - support for 64-bit (x86-64) systems. Also...
Jul 16, 2008 How to get help
If you are using MRtrix, please join the mailing list (the link is on the bottom left). If you have any queries, you can check in the archives to see if it has already been answered....