Resting State Networks cortical and subcortical atlas

This atlas classifies each brain voxel (both subcortical and cortical) in 1 of 7 resting-state networks. 100 subjects from the GSP datasets [1] were used to construct the parcellation using Yeo 7 network parcellation [2]. Individual subject network maps were computed using Yeo regions as seeds and mean averaged between subjects. Each voxel was assigned to the network with the highest contribution. Networks:

1: Medial visual
2: Sensory motor
3: Dorsal attention
4: Ventral attention
5: FrontoParietal
6: Default Mode Network
7: Subcortical

Even if many voxels have overlapping networks we only provide the strongest network for each voxel.

This atlas was generated for:
Guzmán-Vélez E, et al. Amyloid-β and tau pathologies relate to distinctive brain dysconnectomics in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease. doi:


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