help > error in dataset definition
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Nov 17, 2021  10:11 AM | Sheungling Chan
error in dataset definition
Hi guys,

Finally I have finished preprocessing. So I set up condition(29 subjects in total, and each subject received 3 times rs-fMRI scans) as rest, and clicked the Done button. At first the command windows read the following: 

warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 1 session 1. Using set-0 functional data instead
warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 1 session 2. Using set-0 functional data instead
warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 1 session 3. Using set-0 functional data instead
warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 25 session 1. Using set-0 functional data instead
warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 25 session 2. Using set-0 functional data instead
warning: error in dataset definition for set-1 subject 25 session 3. Using set-0 functional data instead

The project seemed like working regardless of the above warning message, but then another error message popped up so the processing was stalled. 


error using conn_process (line 766)
No suprathreshold voxels in ROI file ***\s3\T1Img\sub27\wc3cco20210817_084359insomnias003a1001.nii after erosion (original file contained 2964 suprathreshold voxels)
error conn_process (line 16)
case 'setup', conn_disp(['CONN: RUNNING SETUP STEP']); conn_process([0:4,4.5,5]);
error conn (line 5743)
else conn_process(processname); ispending=false;
error conn_menumanager (line 121)
SPM12 + DAiSS DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2020a
project: CONN19.c
storage: 7202.9Gb available
spm @ E:\R2020a\toolbox\spm12
conn @ E:\R2020a\toolbox\conn20b

Attached is the screenshot of what the ROI files look like. From sub01 to sub 26, it displays two figures for each subject under the grey matter, white matter and CSF category, but sub27, 28 and 29 only have one figures. (Not sure if I'm using the correct terminology). Any comment would be much appreciated. 

Many thanks,
Mar 29, 2024  02:03 PM | Isaac Treves
RE: error in dataset definition

Hi, I also saw this error but the setup finished regardless. Did you find out what happened?

Aug 7, 2024  01:08 PM | fdoleireuqui
RE: error in dataset definition

I wonder if this means that the processing (normalized, aligned, and smoothed) didn't work properly. Guessing Set-1, Set-2, Set-3, and Set-4 are probably the different functional datasets created along the way.

I am also getting this same error.

“warning: error in dataset definition for set-2, set-3, set-4 subject xyz session 1. Using set-0 functional data instead”