The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to CONN : functional connectivity toolbox. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Microsatellite data suggest significant population structure and differentiation within the malaria vector Anopheles darlingi in Central and South America.
Description: Mirabello, Lisa, et al. Microsatellite data suggest significant population structure and differentiation within the malaria vector Anopheles darlingi in Central and South America. ''BMC Ecol''. 2008 Mar 26; '''8''': 3
The influence of rest period instructions on the default mode network.
Description: Benjamin, Christopher, et al. The influence of rest period instructions on the default mode network. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2010; '''4''': 218
Lineage divergence detected in the malaria vector Anopheles marajoara (Diptera: Culicidae) in Amazonian Brazil.
Description: McKeon, Sascha N, et al. Lineage divergence detected in the malaria vector Anopheles marajoara (Diptera: Culicidae) in Amazonian Brazil. ''Malar J''. 2010 Oct 7; '''9''': 271
REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing.
Description: Song, Xiao-Wei, et al. REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing. ''PLoS One''. 2011; '''6''' (9):e25031
Associations and dissociations between default and self-reference networks in the human brain.
Description: Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan, et al. Associations and dissociations between default and self-reference networks in the human brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Mar 1; '''55''' (1):225-32
GAT: a graph-theoretical analysis toolbox for analyzing between-group differences in large-scale structural and functional brain networks.
Description: Hosseini, S M Hadi, et al. GAT: a graph-theoretical analysis toolbox for analyzing between-group differences in large-scale structural and functional brain networks. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (7):e40709
Look at this: the neural correlates of initiating and responding to bids for joint attention.
Description: Redcay, Elizabeth, et al. Look at this: the neural correlates of initiating and responding to bids for joint attention. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2012; '''6''': 169
The obese brain athlete: self-regulation of the anterior insula in adiposity.
Description: Frank, Sabine, et al. The obese brain athlete: self-regulation of the anterior insula in adiposity. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (8):e42570
Anticorrelations in resting state networks without global signal regression.
Description: Chai, Xiaoqian J, et al. Anticorrelations in resting state networks without global signal regression. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jan 16; '''59''' (2):1420-8
Altered small-world properties of gray matter networks in breast cancer.
Description: Hosseini, S M Hadi, et al. Altered small-world properties of gray matter networks in breast cancer. ''BMC Neurol''. 2012 May 28; '''12''': 28
Anti-correlated cortical networks of intrinsic connectivity in the rat brain.
Description: Schwarz, Adam J, et al. Anti-correlated cortical networks of intrinsic connectivity in the rat brain. ''Brain Connect''. 2013; '''3''' (5):503-11
Atypical balance between occipital and fronto-parietal activation for visual shape extraction in dyslexia.
Description: Zhang, Ying, et al. Atypical balance between occipital and fronto-parietal activation for visual shape extraction in dyslexia. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (6):e67331
Fibromyalgia interacts with age to change the brain.
Description: Ceko, Marta, et al. Fibromyalgia interacts with age to change the brain. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2013; '''3''': 249-60
Increased gray matter volume in the right angular and posterior parahippocampal gyri in loving-kindness meditators.
Description: Leung, Mei-Kei, et al. Increased gray matter volume in the right angular and posterior parahippocampal gyri in loving-kindness meditators. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2013 Jan; '''8''' (1):34-9
Influence of choice of null network on small-world parameters of structural correlation networks.
Description: Hosseini, S M Hadi, et al. Influence of choice of null network on small-world parameters of structural correlation networks. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (6):e67354
Optical imaging of resting-state functional connectivity in a novel arterial stiffness model.
Description: Guevara, Edgar, et al. Optical imaging of resting-state functional connectivity in a novel arterial stiffness model. ''Biomed Opt Express''. 2013; '''4''' (11):2332-46
Re-imagining the future: repetition decreases hippocampal involvement in future simulation.
Description: van Mulukom, Valerie, et al. Re-imagining the future: repetition decreases hippocampal involvement in future simulation. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (7):e69596
Differences in resting corticolimbic functional connectivity in bipolar I euthymia.
Description: Torrisi, Salvatore, et al. Differences in resting corticolimbic functional connectivity in bipolar I euthymia. ''Bipolar Disord''. 2013 Mar; '''15''' (2):156-66
Fasting plasma insulin and the default mode network in women at risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Kenna, Heather, et al. Fasting plasma insulin and the default mode network in women at risk for Alzheimer's disease. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2013 Mar; '''34''' (3):641-9
Functional connectivity of human chewing: an fcMRI study.
Description: Quintero, A, et al. Functional connectivity of human chewing: an fcMRI study. ''J Dent Res''. 2013 Mar; '''92''' (3):272-8
Comparing connectivity pattern and small-world organization between structural correlation and resting-state networks in healthy adults.
Description: Hosseini, S M Hadi, et al. Comparing connectivity pattern and small-world organization between structural correlation and resting-state networks in healthy adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Sep; '''78''': 402-14
Prefrontal executive function associated coupling relates to Huntington's disease stage.
Description: Unschuld, Paul G, et al. Prefrontal executive function associated coupling relates to Huntington's disease stage. ''Cortex''. 2013 Nov-Dec; '''49''' (10):2661-73
Self-reported sleep correlates with prefrontal-amygdala functional connectivity and emotional functioning.
Description: Killgore, William D S. Self-reported sleep correlates with prefrontal-amygdala functional connectivity and emotional functioning. ''Sleep''. 2013 Nov 1; '''36''' (11):1597-608
Thalamo-striato-cortical determinants to fatigue in multiple sclerosis.
Description: Engstrom, Maria, et al. Thalamo-striato-cortical determinants to fatigue in multiple sclerosis. ''Brain Behav''. 2013 Nov; '''3''' (6):715-28
Striatal circuit function is associated with prior self-harm in remitted major depression.
Description: Marchand, William R, et al. Striatal circuit function is associated with prior self-harm in remitted major depression. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2013 Dec 17; '''557 Pt B''': 154-8
Seasonal distribution and historic trends in abundance of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the western North Atlantic Ocean.
Description: Curtis, Tobey H, et al. Seasonal distribution and historic trends in abundance of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (6):e99240
An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics.
Description: Zuo, Xi-Nian, et al. An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics. ''Sci Data''. 2014; '''1''': 140049
Compact and informative representation of functional connectivity for predictive modeling.
Description: Rustamov, Raif M, et al. Compact and informative representation of functional connectivity for predictive modeling. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2014; '''17''' (Pt 3):153-60
Functional connectivity evidence of cortico-cortico inhibition in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Tracy, Joseph I, et al. Functional connectivity evidence of cortico-cortico inhibition in temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2014 Jan; '''35''' (1):353-66
Interaction between neuroanatomical and psychological changes after mindfulness-based training.
Description: Santarnecchi, Emiliano, et al. Interaction between neuroanatomical and psychological changes after mindfulness-based training. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (10):e108359
Investigating the neural correlates of voice versus speech-sound directed information in pre-school children.
Description: Raschle, Nora Maria, et al. Investigating the neural correlates of voice versus speech-sound directed information in pre-school children. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (12):e115549
Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study.
Description: Stoeckel, Luke E, et al. Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (10):e107205
PRN: a preprint service for catalyzing R-fMRI and neuroscience related studies.
Description: Yan, Chao-Gan, et al. PRN: a preprint service for catalyzing R-fMRI and neuroscience related studies. ''F1000Res''. 2014; '''3''': 313
Recovery of olfactory function induces neuroplasticity effects in patients with smell loss.
Description: Kollndorfer, Kathrin, et al. Recovery of olfactory function induces neuroplasticity effects in patients with smell loss. ''Neural Plast''. 2014; '''2014''': 140419
Resting state amygdala-prefrontal connectivity predicts symptom change after cognitive behavioral therapy in generalized social anxiety disorder.
Description: Klumpp, Heide, et al. Resting state amygdala-prefrontal connectivity predicts symptom change after cognitive behavioral therapy in generalized social anxiety disorder. ''Biol Mood Anxiety Disord''. 2014; '''4''' (1):14
The relation between structural and functional connectivity depends on age and on task goals.
Description: Ford, Jaclyn H, et al. The relation between structural and functional connectivity depends on age and on task goals. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 307
PACAP receptor gene polymorphism impacts fear responses in the amygdala and hippocampus.
Description: Stevens, Jennifer Strafford, et al. PACAP receptor gene polymorphism impacts fear responses in the amygdala and hippocampus. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2014 Feb 25; '''111''' (8):3158-63
Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study.
Description: Davies, J, et al. Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study. ''Int J Audiol''. 2014 Mar; '''53''' (3):192-8
Selective development of anticorrelated networks in the intrinsic functional organization of the human brain.
Description: Chai, Xiaoqian J, et al. Selective development of anticorrelated networks in the intrinsic functional organization of the human brain. ''J Cogn Neurosci''. 2014 Mar; '''26''' (3):501-13
Multivariate pattern analysis of FMRI in breast cancer survivors and healthy women.
Description: Hosseini, S M Hadi, et al. Multivariate pattern analysis of FMRI in breast cancer survivors and healthy women. ''J Int Neuropsychol Soc''. 2014 Apr; '''20''' (4):391-401
Network diffusion accurately models the relationship between structural and functional brain connectivity networks.
Description: Abdelnour, Farras, et al. Network diffusion accurately models the relationship between structural and functional brain connectivity networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Apr 15; '''90''': 335-47
Amygdala-cingulate intrinsic connectivity is associated with degree of social inhibition.
Description: Blackford, Jennifer Urbano, et al. Amygdala-cingulate intrinsic connectivity is associated with degree of social inhibition. ''Biol Psychol''. 2014 May; '''99''': 15-25
BNST neurocircuitry in humans.
Description: Avery, Suzanne N, et al. BNST neurocircuitry in humans. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 May 1; '''91''': 311-23
Prefrontal brain network connectivity indicates degree of both schizophrenia risk and cognitive dysfunction.
Description: Unschuld, Paul G, et al. Prefrontal brain network connectivity indicates degree of both schizophrenia risk and cognitive dysfunction. ''Schizophr Bull''. 2014 May; '''40''' (3):653-64
Reduced functional connectivity within the limbic cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop in unmedicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Description: Posner, Jonathan, et al. Reduced functional connectivity within the limbic cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop in unmedicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2014 Jun; '''35''' (6):2852-60
The relationship between default mode network connectivity and social functioning in individuals at familial high-risk for schizophrenia.
Description: Dodell-Feder, David, et al. The relationship between default mode network connectivity and social functioning in individuals at familial high-risk for schizophrenia. ''Schizophr Res''. 2014 Jun; '''156''' (1):87-95
Abnormal functional connectivity of the medial cortex in euthymic bipolar II disorder.
Description: Marchand, William R, et al. Abnormal functional connectivity of the medial cortex in euthymic bipolar II disorder. ''Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry''. 2014 Jun 3; '''51''': 28-33
A computational study of whole-brain connectivity in resting state and task fMRI.
Description: Goparaju, Balaji, et al. A computational study of whole-brain connectivity in resting state and task fMRI. ''Med Sci Monit''. 2014 Jun 20; '''20''': 1024-42
Altered resting state functional connectivity in young survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Description: Kesler, Shelli R, et al. Altered resting state functional connectivity in young survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. ''Pediatr Blood Cancer''. 2014 Jul; '''61''' (7):1295-9
Altered resting state connectivity of the insular cortex in individuals with fibromyalgia.
Description: Ichesco, Eric, et al. Altered resting state connectivity of the insular cortex in individuals with fibromyalgia. ''J Pain''. 2014 Aug; '''15''' (8):815-826.e1
Cerebellar networks in individuals at ultra high-risk of psychosis: impact on postural sway and symptom severity.
Description: Bernard, Jessica A, et al. Cerebellar networks in individuals at ultra high-risk of psychosis: impact on postural sway and symptom severity. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2014 Aug; '''35''' (8):4064-78
Functional neuroanatomical evidence for the double-deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia.
Description: Norton, Elizabeth S, et al. Functional neuroanatomical evidence for the double-deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2014 Aug; '''61''': 235-46
Reduction of motion-related artifacts in resting state fMRI using aCompCor.
Description: Muschelli, John, et al. Reduction of motion-related artifacts in resting state fMRI using aCompCor. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Aug 1; '''96''': 22-35
Aberrant coupling within and across the default mode, task-positive, and salience network in subjects at risk for psychosis.
Description: Wotruba, Diana, et al. Aberrant coupling within and across the default mode, task-positive, and salience network in subjects at risk for psychosis. ''Schizophr Bull''. 2014 Sep; '''40''' (5):1095-104
A functional dissociation between language and multiple-demand systems revealed in patterns of BOLD signal fluctuations.
Description: Blank, Idan, et al. A functional dissociation between language and multiple-demand systems revealed in patterns of BOLD signal fluctuations. ''J Neurophysiol''. 2014 Sep 1; '''112''' (5):1105-18
Impaired functional connectivity of brain reward circuitry in patients with schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder: Effects of cannabis and THC.
Description: Fischer, Adina S, et al. Impaired functional connectivity of brain reward circuitry in patients with schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder: Effects of cannabis and THC. ''Schizophr Res''. 2014 Sep; '''158''' (1-3):176-82
Copy number deletion burden is associated with cognitive, structural, and resting-state network differences in patients with schizophrenia.
Description: Martin, A K, et al. Copy number deletion burden is associated with cognitive, structural, and resting-state network differences in patients with schizophrenia. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2014 Oct 1; '''272''': 324-34
Fibromyalgia is associated with decreased connectivity between pain- and sensorimotor brain areas.
Description: Flodin, Par, et al. Fibromyalgia is associated with decreased connectivity between pain- and sensorimotor brain areas. ''Brain Connect''. 2014 Oct; '''4''' (8):587-94
Sex and disease-related alterations of anterior insula functional connectivity in chronic abdominal pain.
Description: Hong, Jui-Yang, et al. Sex and disease-related alterations of anterior insula functional connectivity in chronic abdominal pain. ''J Neurosci''. 2014 Oct 22; '''34''' (43):14252-9
Creativity and the default network: A functional connectivity analysis of the creative brain at rest.
Description: Beaty, Roger E, et al. Creativity and the default network: A functional connectivity analysis of the creative brain at rest. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2014 Nov; '''64''': 92-8
Immediate changes after manual therapy in resting-state functional connectivity as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging in participants with induced low back pain.
Description: Gay, Charles W, et al. Immediate changes after manual therapy in resting-state functional connectivity as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging in participants with induced low back pain. ''J Manipulative Physiol Ther''. 2014 Nov-Dec; '''37''' (9):614-27
Resting state connectivity immediately following learning correlates with subsequent sleep-dependent enhancement of motor task performance.
Description: Gregory, Michael D, et al. Resting state connectivity immediately following learning correlates with subsequent sleep-dependent enhancement of motor task performance. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Nov 15; '''102 Pt 2''': 666-73
Separate neural representations for physical pain and social rejection.
Description: Woo, Choong-Wan, et al. Separate neural representations for physical pain and social rejection. ''Nat Commun''. 2014 Nov 17; '''5''': 5380
A multimodal MRI study of the hippocampus in medication-naive children with ADHD: what connects ADHD and depression?
Description: Posner, Jonathan, et al. A multimodal MRI study of the hippocampus in medication-naive children with ADHD: what connects ADHD and depression? ''Psychiatry Res''. 2014 Nov 30; '''224''' (2):112-8
Structural insights into translational recoding by frameshift suppressor tRNASufJ.
Description: Fagan, Crystal E, et al. Structural insights into translational recoding by frameshift suppressor tRNASufJ. ''RNA''. 2014 Dec; '''20''' (12):1944-54
DynamicBC: a MATLAB toolbox for dynamic brain connectome analysis.
Description: Liao, Wei, et al. DynamicBC: a MATLAB toolbox for dynamic brain connectome analysis. ''Brain Connect''. 2014 Dec; '''4''' (10):780-90
Slow fluctuations in eye position and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging brain activity during visual fixation.
Description: Fransson, Peter, et al. Slow fluctuations in eye position and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging brain activity during visual fixation. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2014 Dec; '''40''' (12):3828-35
The brain network reflecting bodily self-consciousness: a functional connectivity study.
Description: Ionta, Silvio, et al. The brain network reflecting bodily self-consciousness: a functional connectivity study. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2014 Dec; '''9''' (12):1904-13
Altered Brain Structure and Function Correlate with Disease Severity and Pain Catastrophizing in Migraine Patients.
Description: Hubbard, Catherine S, et al. Altered Brain Structure and Function Correlate with Disease Severity and Pain Catastrophizing in Migraine Patients. ''eNeuro''. 2014 Dec 30; '''1''' (1):e20.14
Affective mentalizing and brain activity at rest in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia.
Description: Caminiti, Silvia P, et al. Affective mentalizing and brain activity at rest in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''9''': 484-97
A functional polymorphism in the prodynorphin gene affects cognitive flexibility and brain activation during reversal learning.
Description: Votinov, Mikhail, et al. A functional polymorphism in the prodynorphin gene affects cognitive flexibility and brain activation during reversal learning. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 172
Alterations in interhemispheric functional and anatomical connectivity are associated with tobacco smoking in humans.
Description: Viswanath, Humsini, et al. Alterations in interhemispheric functional and anatomical connectivity are associated with tobacco smoking in humans. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 116
Altered resting brain connectivity in persistent cancer related fatigue.
Description: Hampson, Johnson P, et al. Altered resting brain connectivity in persistent cancer related fatigue. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''8''': 305-13
Analyzing the association between functional connectivity of the brain and intellectual performance.
Description: Pamplona, Gustavo S P, et al. Analyzing the association between functional connectivity of the brain and intellectual performance. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 61
Cognitive demands of lower paleolithic toolmaking.
Description: Stout, Dietrich, et al. Cognitive demands of lower paleolithic toolmaking. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (4):e0121804
Distinct neural correlates for attention lapses in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants.
Description: Phillips, Ryan C, et al. Distinct neural correlates for attention lapses in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 502
Exploration of Functional Connectivity During Preferred Music Stimulation in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.
Description: Heine, Lizette, et al. Exploration of Functional Connectivity During Preferred Music Stimulation in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 1704
Functional Organization of the Action Observation Network in Autism: A Graph Theory Approach.
Description: Alaerts, Kaat, et al. Functional Organization of the Action Observation Network in Autism: A Graph Theory Approach. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (8):e0137020
GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics.
Description: Wang, Jinhui, et al. GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 386
Hippocampal volume correlates with attenuated negative psychotic symptoms irrespective of antidepressant medication.
Description: Bernasconi, Raffaele, et al. Hippocampal volume correlates with attenuated negative psychotic symptoms irrespective of antidepressant medication. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''8''': 230-7
Increased Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations but Normal Hippocampal-Default Mode Network Connectivity in Schizophrenia.
Description: McHugo, Maureen, et al. Increased Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations but Normal Hippocampal-Default Mode Network Connectivity in Schizophrenia. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2015; '''6''': 92
Increased Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Cingulo-Opercular Cognitive-Control Network after Intervention in Children with Reading Difficulties.
Description: Horowitz-Kraus, Tzipi, et al. Increased Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Cingulo-Opercular Cognitive-Control Network after Intervention in Children with Reading Difficulties. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (7):e0133762
Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in Salience and Default Mode Networks and Aberrant Social Processes in Youth at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis.
Description: Pelletier-Baldelli, Andrea, et al. Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in Salience and Default Mode Networks and Aberrant Social Processes in Youth at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (8):e0134936
Intrinsic patterns of coupling between correlation and amplitude of low-frequency fMRI fluctuations are disrupted in degenerative dementia mainly due to functional disconnection.
Description: Mascali, Daniele, et al. Intrinsic patterns of coupling between correlation and amplitude of low-frequency fMRI fluctuations are disrupted in degenerative dementia mainly due to functional disconnection. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (4):e0120988
Multimodal Imaging Brain Connectivity Analysis (MIBCA) toolbox.
Description: Ribeiro, Andre Santos, et al. Multimodal Imaging Brain Connectivity Analysis (MIBCA) toolbox. ''PeerJ''. 2015; '''3''': e1078
Neural function, injury, and stroke subtype predict treatment gains after stroke.
Description: Burke Quinlan, Erin, et al. Neural function, injury, and stroke subtype predict treatment gains after stroke. ''Ann Neurol''. 2015 Jan; '''77''' (1):132-45
Neural Plasticity of Mild Tinnitus: An fMRI Investigation Comparing Those Recently Diagnosed with Tinnitus to Those That Had Tinnitus for a Long Period of Time.
Description: Carpenter-Thompson, Jake R, et al. Neural Plasticity of Mild Tinnitus: An fMRI Investigation Comparing Those Recently Diagnosed with Tinnitus to Those That Had Tinnitus for a Long Period of Time. ''Neural Plast''. 2015; '''2015''': 161478
Normalization of aberrant resting state functional connectivity in fibromyalgia patients following a three month physical exercise therapy.
Description: Flodin, P, et al. Normalization of aberrant resting state functional connectivity in fibromyalgia patients following a three month physical exercise therapy. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''9''': 134-9
Olfactory training induces changes in regional functional connectivity in patients with long-term smell loss.
Description: Kollndorfer, K, et al. Olfactory training induces changes in regional functional connectivity in patients with long-term smell loss. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''9''': 401-10
Parallel workflow tools to facilitate human brain MRI post-processing.
Description: Cui, Zaixu, et al. Parallel workflow tools to facilitate human brain MRI post-processing. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 171
Prevalence of increases in functional connectivity in visual, somatosensory and language areas in congenital blindness.
Description: Heine, Lizette, et al. Prevalence of increases in functional connectivity in visual, somatosensory and language areas in congenital blindness. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2015; '''9''': 86
Repeated verum but not placebo acupuncture normalizes connectivity in brain regions dysregulated in chronic pain.
Description: Egorova, Natalia, et al. Repeated verum but not placebo acupuncture normalizes connectivity in brain regions dysregulated in chronic pain. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2015; '''9''': 430-5
Schizophrenia and autism as contrasting minds: neural evidence for the hypo-hyper-intentionality hypothesis.
Description: Ciaramidaro, Angela, et al. Schizophrenia and autism as contrasting minds: neural evidence for the hypo-hyper-intentionality hypothesis. ''Schizophr Bull''. 2015 Jan; '''41''' (1):171-9
Task-related functional connectivity dynamics in a block-designed visual experiment.
Description: Di, Xin, et al. Task-related functional connectivity dynamics in a block-designed visual experiment. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 543
The mean-variance relationship reveals two possible strategies for dynamic brain connectivity analysis in fMRI.
Description: Thompson, William H, et al. The mean-variance relationship reveals two possible strategies for dynamic brain connectivity analysis in fMRI. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 398
The pediatric template of brain perfusion.
Description: Avants, Brian B, et al. The pediatric template of brain perfusion. ''Sci Data''. 2015; '''2''': 150003
Visual hallucinations are associated with hyperconnectivity between the amygdala and visual cortex in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Description: Ford, Judith M, et al. Visual hallucinations are associated with hyperconnectivity between the amygdala and visual cortex in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. ''Schizophr Bull''. 2015 Jan; '''41''' (1):223-32
Age-related increases in long-range connectivity in fetal functional neural connectivity networks in utero.
Description: Thomason, Moriah E, et al. Age-related increases in long-range connectivity in fetal functional neural connectivity networks in utero. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Feb; '''11''': 96-104
Autistic empathy toward autistic others.
Description: Komeda, Hidetsugu, et al. Autistic empathy toward autistic others. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2015 Feb; '''10''' (2):145-52
Emotion reactivity and regulation in late-life generalized anxiety disorder: functional connectivity at baseline and post-treatment.
Description: Andreescu, Carmen, et al. Emotion reactivity and regulation in late-life generalized anxiety disorder: functional connectivity at baseline and post-treatment. ''Am J Geriatr Psychiatry''. 2015 Feb; '''23''' (2):200-14
Chronology and chronicity of altered resting-state functional connectivity after traumatic brain injury.
Description: Venkatesan, Umesh M, et al. Chronology and chronicity of altered resting-state functional connectivity after traumatic brain injury. ''J Neurotrauma''. 2015 Feb 15; '''32''' (4):252-64
Fear-potentiated startle during extinction is associated with white matter microstructure and functional connectivity.
Description: Fani, Negar, et al. Fear-potentiated startle during extinction is associated with white matter microstructure and functional connectivity. ''Cortex''. 2015 Mar; '''64''': 249-59
Resting-state anticorrelations between medial and lateral prefrontal cortex: association with working memory, aging, and individual differences.
Description: Keller, Joseph B, et al. Resting-state anticorrelations between medial and lateral prefrontal cortex: association with working memory, aging, and individual differences. ''Cortex''. 2015 Mar; '''64''': 271-80
Enhanced amygdala-cortical functional connectivity in meditators.
Description: Leung, Mei-Kei, et al. Enhanced amygdala-cortical functional connectivity in meditators. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 Mar 17; '''590''': 106-10
Associations between interhemispheric functional connectivity and the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) in civilian mild TBI.
Description: Sours, Chandler, et al. Associations between interhemispheric functional connectivity and the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) in civilian mild TBI. ''Brain Imaging Behav''. 2015 Jun; '''9''' (2):190-203
Menopausal hot flashes and the default mode network.
Description: Thurston, Rebecca C, et al. Menopausal hot flashes and the default mode network. ''Fertil Steril''. 2015 Jun; '''103''' (6):1572-8.e1
Resting-state synchrony between the retrosplenial cortex and anterior medial cortical structures relates to memory complaints in subjective cognitive impairment.
Description: Yasuno, Fumihiko, et al. Resting-state synchrony between the retrosplenial cortex and anterior medial cortical structures relates to memory complaints in subjective cognitive impairment. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2015 Jun; '''36''' (6):2145-52
Functional subregions of the human entorhinal cortex.
Description: Maass, Anne, et al. Functional subregions of the human entorhinal cortex. ''Elife''. 2015 Jun 8; '''4''':
Cortical reorganisation of cerebral networks after childhood stroke: impact on outcome.
Description: Kornfeld, Salome, et al. Cortical reorganisation of cerebral networks after childhood stroke: impact on outcome. ''BMC Neurol''. 2015 Jun 10; '''15''': 90
Default and Executive Network Coupling Supports Creative Idea Production.
Description: Beaty, Roger E, et al. Default and Executive Network Coupling Supports Creative Idea Production. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Jun 17; '''5''': 10964
Age of Childhood Onset in Type 1 Diabetes and Functional Brain Connectivity in Midlife.
Description: Ryan, John P, et al. Age of Childhood Onset in Type 1 Diabetes and Functional Brain Connectivity in Midlife. ''Psychosom Med''. 2015 Jul-Aug; '''77''' (6):622-30
Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal polar cortex.
Description: Moayedi, Massieh, et al. Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal polar cortex. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2015 Sep; '''220''' (5):2603-16
Hyper-connectivity of the thalamus during early stages following mild traumatic brain injury.
Description: Sours, Chandler, et al. Hyper-connectivity of the thalamus during early stages following mild traumatic brain injury. ''Brain Imaging Behav''. 2015 Sep; '''9''' (3):550-63
Atomoxetine Treatment Strengthens an Anti-Correlated Relationship between Functional Brain Networks in Medication-Naive Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Description: Lin, Hsiang-Yuan, et al. Atomoxetine Treatment Strengthens an Anti-Correlated Relationship between Functional Brain Networks in Medication-Naive Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. ''Int J Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2015 Sep 16; '''19''' (3):pyv094
Increased Functional Connectivity in an Insula-Based Network is Associated with Improved Smoking Cessation Outcomes.
Description: Addicott, Merideth A, et al. Increased Functional Connectivity in an Insula-Based Network is Associated with Improved Smoking Cessation Outcomes. ''Neuropsychopharmacology''. 2015 Oct; '''40''' (11):2648-56
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Load-related brain activation predicts spatial working memory performance in youth aged 9-12 and is associated with executive function at earlier ages.
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The neural circuitry supporting goal maintenance during cognitive control: a comparison of expectancy AX-CPT and dot probe expectancy paradigms.
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Changes in resting state functional connectivity after repetitive transcranial direct current stimulation applied to motor cortex in fibromyalgia patients.
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Older but still fluent? Insights from the intrinsically active baseline configuration of the aging brain using a data driven graph-theoretical approach.
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Reduced default mode network connectivity following combat trauma.
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Brain responses to emotional salience and reward in alcohol use disorder.
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Thinking About a Task Is Associated with Increased Connectivity in Regions Activated by Task Performance.
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Topographical Organization of Attentional, Social, and Memory Processes in the Human Temporoparietal Cortex.
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Brain mechanisms associated with internally directed attention and self-generated thought.
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Dual-task-related neural connectivity changes in patients with Parkinson' disease.
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Jumping the Gun: Mapping Neural Correlates of Waiting Impulsivity and Relevance Across Alcohol Misuse.
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Enhanced spontaneous functional connectivity of the superior temporal gyrus in early deafness.
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Dysfunctional Striatal Systems in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia.
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A Brain System for Auditory Working Memory.
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Abnormal resting state functional connectivity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: an arterial spin-labeling fMRI study.
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Differential effects of hunger and satiety on insular cortex and hypothalamic functional connectivity.
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Evidence for Thalamocortical Circuit Abnormalities and Associated Cognitive Dysfunctions in Underweight Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa.
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Spin-Echo Resting-State Functional Connectivity in High-Susceptibility Regions: Accuracy, Reliability, and the Impact of Physiological Noise.
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Alterations of amygdala-prefrontal connectivity with real-time fMRI neurofeedback in BPD patients.
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Dynamic Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Major Depression.
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Sex differences in autism: a resting-state fMRI investigation of functional brain connectivity in males and females.
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Task Encoding across the Multiple Demand Cortex Is Consistent with a Frontoparietal and Cingulo-Opercular Dual Networks Distinction.
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Comprehending text versus reading words in young readers with varying reading ability: distinct patterns of functional connectivity from common processing hubs.
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Resting-state functional connectivity of the human habenula in healthy individuals: Associations with subclinical depression.
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Simultaneous interpreters vs. professional multilingual controls: Group differences in cognitive control as well as brain structure and function.
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Subgenual Cingulate-Amygdala Functional Disconnection and Vulnerability to Melancholic Depression.
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Changes in Brain Resting-state Functional Connectivity Associated with Peripheral Nerve Block: A Pilot Study.
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Cognition in Friedreich's ataxia: a behavioral and multimodal imaging study.
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Reduced Amplitude of Low-Frequency Brain Oscillations in the Psychosis Risk Syndrome and Early Illness Schizophrenia.
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Nicotine restores functional connectivity of the ventral attention network in schizophrenia.
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Smoking Abstinence-Induced Changes in Resting State Functional Connectivity with Ventral Striatum Predict Lapse During a Quit Attempt.
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Altered resting-state functional connectivity in emotion-processing brain regions in adults who were born very preterm.
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The effect of age on relational encoding as revealed by hippocampal functional connectivity.
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The matter of motivation: Striatal resting-state connectivity is dissociable between grit and growth mindset.
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Functional Network Dynamics of the Language System.
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Differential association of default mode network connectivity and rumination in healthy individuals and remitted MDD patients.
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Functional brain mapping using specific sensory-circuit stimulation and a theoretical graph network analysis in mice with neuropathic allodynia.
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Altered Intrinsic Functional Brain Architecture in Children at Familial Risk of Major Depression.
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Brain dynamics of post-task resting state are influenced by expertise: Insights from baseball players.
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Endogenous testosterone is associated with lower amygdala reactivity to angry faces and reduced aggressive behavior in healthy young women.
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Aging Affects Dopaminergic Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Flexibility.
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Experience-dependent modulation of right anterior insula and sensorimotor regions as a function of noise-masked auditory feedback in singers and nonsingers.
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"Decoding versus comprehension": Brain responses underlying reading comprehension in children with autism.
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Altered Gray Matter Volume and Resting-State Connectivity in Individuals With Internet Gaming Disorder: A Voxel-Based Morphometry and Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.
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Altered network hub connectivity after acute LSD administration.
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Connectivity of the Human Number Form Area Reveals Development of a Cortical Network for Mathematics.
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Enhancing treatment of osteoarthritis knee pain by boosting expectancy: A functional neuroimaging study.
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Subregions of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex Form Distinct Functional Connectivity Patterns in Young Males With Internet Gaming Disorder With Comorbid Depression.
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Speed-related activation in the mesolimbic dopamine system during the observation of driver-view videos.
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The functional and structural alterations of the striatum in chronic spontaneous urticaria.
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Disruption of Semantic Network in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Revealed by Resting-State fMRI.
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Resting-state functional connectivity remains unaffected by preceding exposure to aversive visual stimuli.
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Resting-state functional connectivity MRI analysis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus co-infected subjects. A pilot study.
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A multi-modal MRI study of the central response to inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
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Inter-network connectivity and amyloid-beta linked to cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal cohort study.
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Investigating the Brain Neural Mechanism when Signature Objects were Masked during a Scene Categorization Task using Functional MRI.
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Classifying early and late mild cognitive impairment stages of Alzheimer's disease by fusing default mode networks extracted with multiple seeds.
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A study of neural activity and functional connectivity within the olfactory brain network in Parkinson's disease.
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Altered Functional Connectivity in Patients With Sloping Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
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Early Pain Exposure Influences Functional Brain Connectivity in Very Preterm Neonates.
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Effects of a Brain-Computer Interface With Virtual Reality (VR) Neurofeedback: A Pilot Study in Chronic Stroke Patients.
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Focal epilepsy caused by single cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) is associated with regional and global resting state functional connectivity (FC) disruption.
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Functional and Brain Activation Changes Following Specialized Upper-Limb Exercise in Parkinson's Disease.
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Functional Brain Changes During Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Associated With Tinnitus Severity.
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Language as a Threat: Multimodal Evaluation and Interventions for Overwhelming Linguistic Anxiety in Severe Aphasia.
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New Perspective for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Site Selection in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Based on Meta- and Functional Connectivity Analyses.
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Non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions relieve insomnia symptoms by modulating a shared network: A controlled longitudinal study.
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Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Rat Claustrum.
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The Brain in (Willed) Action: A Meta-Analytical Comparison of Imaging Studies on Motor Intentionality and Sense of Agency.
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Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation at 1Hz modulates locus coeruleus activity and resting state functional connectivity in patients with migraine: An fMRI study.
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Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments.
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Visual network alterations in brain functional connectivity in chronic low back pain: A resting state functional connectivity and machine learning study.
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What Makes Eye Contact Special? Neural Substrates of On-Line Mutual Eye-Gaze: A Hyperscanning fMRI Study.
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Why is Clinical fMRI in a Resting State?
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Altered functional connectivity in binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa: A resting-state fMRI study.
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Recruitment of the occipital cortex by arithmetic processing follows computational bias in the congenitally blind.
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Pathophysiology behind prolonged whiplash associated disorders: study protocol for an experimental study.
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Neural systems of cognitive demand avoidance.
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Different modulation effects of Tai Chi Chuan and Baduanjin on resting-state functional connectivity of the default mode network in older adults.
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tDCS-induced episodic memory enhancement and its association with functional network coupling in older adults.
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Lower limb amputees undergo long-distance plasticity in sensorimotor functional connectivity.
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Evidence for an association of gut microbial Clostridia with brain functional connectivity and gastrointestinal sensorimotor function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, based on tripartite network analysis.
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Decreased structural connectivity and resting-state brain activity in the lateral occipital cortex is associated with social communication deficits in boys with autism spectrum disorder.
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Cerebellar activation associated with model-based estimation of tool-use consequences.
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When to collect resting-state data: The influence of odor on post-task resting-state connectivity.
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Differences in functional connectivity along the anterior-posterior axis of human hippocampal subfields.
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Differences in the intra-cerebellar connections and graph theoretical measures between Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy.
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Speech processing and plasticity in the right hemisphere predict variation in adult foreign language learning.
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Altered Functional Connectivity of the Amygdala and Sex Differences in Functional Dyspepsia.
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Changes in functional organization and functional connectivity during story listening in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes.
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Internodular functional connectivity in heterotopia-related epilepsy.
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Neurocomputational mechanisms at play when weighing concerns for extrinsic rewards, moral values, and social image.
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Influence of the corticospinal tract wiring pattern on sensorimotor functional connectivity and clinical correlates of upper limb function in unilateral cerebral palsy.
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Topological disintegration of resting state functional connectomes in coma.
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Differential language network functional connectivity alterations in Alzheimer's disease and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia.
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Psilocybin-assisted mindfulness training modulates self-consciousness and brain default mode network connectivity with lasting effects.
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Resting state functional connectivity and cognitive task-related activation of the human claustrum.
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Neural correlates of theory-of-mind are associated with variation in children's everyday social cognition.
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How words get meaning: The neural processing of novel object names after sensorimotor training.
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A multimodal MRI study of the neural mechanisms of emotion regulation impairment in women with obesity.
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Resting-state brain functional connectivity in patients with chronic pain who responded to subanesthetic-dose ketamine.
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Dysfunction between dorsal caudate and salience network associated with impaired cognitive flexibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A resting-state fMRI study.
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Elucidating the putative link between prefrontal neurotransmission, functional connectivity, and affective symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome.
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Amygdala response and functional connectivity during cognitive emotion regulation of aversive image sequences.
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Consciousness-specific dynamic interactions of brain integration and functional diversity.
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Detailed mapping of human habenula resting-state functional connectivity.
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Dysfunctional interactions between the default mode network and the dorsal attention network in subtypes of amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
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Tau deposition is associated with functional isolation of the hippocampus in aging.
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Different exercise modalities relieve pain syndrome in patients with knee osteoarthritis and modulate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A multiple mode MRI study.
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Functional connectivity along the anterior-posterior axis of hippocampal subfields in the ageing human brain.
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Aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks related to misperceptions and intra-individual variability in Parkinson's disease.
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Identifying inter-individual differences in pain threshold using brain connectome: a test-retest reproducible study.
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Tai Chi Chuan vs General Aerobic Exercise in Brain Plasticity: A Multimodal MRI Study.
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Differences in high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation over the motor hotspot versus the premotor cortex on motor network excitability.
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ABCA7 polymorphisms correlate with memory impairment and default mode network in patients with APOEepsilon4-associated Alzheimer's disease.
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Brain Functional Basis of Subjective Well-being During Negative Facial Emotion Processing Task-Based fMRI.
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Altered Resting-State Connectivity with Pain-Related Expectation Regions in Female Patients with Severe Knee Osteoarthritis.
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Associations Between Altered Cerebral Activity Patterns and Psychosocial Disorders in Patients With Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction: A Mediation Analysis of fMRI.
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Functional Connectivity Changes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Correspond to Interference Control and Obsessions Severity.
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Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Outcomes Following Clinician-Delivered Cognitive Training for Six Patients With Mild Brain Injury: A Multiple Case Study.
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Sex Effect on Presurgical Language Mapping in Patients With a Brain Tumor.
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The Importance of Cerebellar Connectivity on Simulated Brain Dynamics.
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Ventral stream hierarchy underlying perceptual organization in adolescents with autism.
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Spatial Network Connectivity and Spatial Reasoning Ability in Children with Nonverbal Learning Disability.
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Consciousness & Brain Functional Complexity in Propofol Anaesthesia.
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Human hippocampal CA3 damage disrupts both recent and remote episodic memories.
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Functional connectivity among brain regions affected in Alzheimer's disease is associated with CSF TNF-alpha in APOE4 carriers.
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Improvising at rest: Differentiating jazz and classical music training with resting state functional connectivity.
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Baseline functional connectivity may predict placebo responses to accelerated rTMS treatment in major depression.
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Altered lateral geniculate nucleus functional connectivity in migraine without aura: a resting-state functional MRI study.
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The effect of distress on the balance between goal-directed and habit networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Earliest amyloid and tau deposition modulate the influence of limbic networks during closed-loop hippocampal downregulation.
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Community structure of the creative brain at rest.
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Hormone levels are related to functional compensation in prolactinomas: A resting-state fMRI study.
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Cortical lesions causing loss of consciousness are anticorrelated with the dorsal brainstem.
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Brain Functional Connectivity Correlates of Response in the 7.5% CO2 Inhalational Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Study.
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Maternal depression is associated with altered functional connectivity between neural circuits related to visual, auditory, and cognitive processing during stories listening in preschoolers.
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Closed-loop digital meditation for neurocognitive and behavioral development in adolescents with childhood neglect.
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Network changes in patients with phobic postural vertigo.
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The relationship between early and recent life stress and emotional expression processing: A functional connectivity study.
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Acupuncture Treatment Modulates the Connectivity of Key Regions of the Descending Pain Modulation and Reward Systems in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain.
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Frontoparietal structural properties mediate adult life span differences in executive function.
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Children with developmental coordination disorder show altered functional connectivity compared to peers.
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Neurocognitive signatures of phonemic sequencing in expert backward speakers.
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Mutation Carriers with Reduced C-Afferent Density Reveal Cortical Dynamics of Pain-Action Relationship during Acute Pain.
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Effective connectivity during autobiographical memory search.
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Neuroimaging-Based Scalp Acupuncture Locations for Dementia.
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Unconscious reinforcement learning of hidden brain states supported by confidence.
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Aberrant posterior superior temporal sulcus functional connectivity and executive dysfunction in adolescents with internet gaming disorder.
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Relationship between media multitasking and functional connectivity in the dorsal attention network.
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Functional connectivity and quality of life in young adults with cerebral palsy: a feasibility study.
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Defining data-driven subgroups of obsessive-compulsive disorder with different treatment responses based on resting-state functional connectivity.
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Autistic traits are associated with the functional connectivity of between-but not within-attention systems in the general population.
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Complete hemispherotomy leads to lateralized functional organization and lower level of consciousness in the isolated hemisphere.
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First-person body view modulates the neural substrates of episodic memory and autonoetic consciousness: A functional connectivity study.
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Functional connectivity in default mode network correlates with severity of hypoxemia in obstructive sleep apnea.
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One season of head-to-ball impact exposure alters functional connectivity in a central autonomic network.
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The human corticocortical vestibular network.
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Birth weight is associated with adolescent brain development: A multimodal imaging study in monozygotic twins.
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Compensatory brainstem functional and structural connectivity in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy by probabilistic tractography and functional MRI.
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Mindfulness training preserves sustained attention and resting state anticorrelation between default-mode network and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A randomized controlled trial.
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Altered central pain processing in fibromyalgia-A multimodal neuroimaging case-control study using arterial spin labelling.
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Healthy Aging Alters the Functional Connectivity of Creative Cognition in the Default Mode Network and Cerebellar Network.
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Intrinsic connectivity of anterior temporal lobe relates to individual differences in semantic retrieval for landmarks.
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Knowing what you need to know in advance: The neural processes underpinning flexible semantic retrieval of thematic and taxonomic relations.
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Multiparametric MRI for the improved diagnostic accuracy of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: Research protocol of a case-control study design.
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Preliminary Findings of Weaker Executive Control Network Resting State fMRI Functional Connectivity in Opioid Use Disorder compared to Healthy Controls.
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Relation of Decreased Functional Connectivity Between Left Thalamus and Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus to Emotion Changes Following Acute Sleep Deprivation.
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The neurobiology of wellness: (1)H-MRS correlates of agency, flexibility and neuroaffective reserves in healthy young adults.
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Altered functional connectivity between hypothalamus and limbic system in fibromyalgia.
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Altered structural balance of resting-state networks in autism.
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Eating Disorder Neuroimaging Initiative (EDNI): a multicentre prospective cohort study protocol for elucidating the neural effects of cognitive-behavioural therapy for eating disorders.
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A Comprehensive Review Evaluating the Impact of Protein Source (Vegetarian vs. Meat Based) in Hepatic Encephalopathy.
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Maternal stress during pregnancy alters fetal cortico-cerebellar connectivity in utero and increases child sleep problems after birth.
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Fatigue in irritable bowel syndrome is associated with plasma levels of TNF-alpha and mesocorticolimbic connectivity.
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MDMA-induced changes in within-network connectivity contradict the specificity of these alterations for the effects of serotonergic hallucinogens.
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Probing the relevance of the hippocampus for conflict-induced memory improvement.
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LSD alters dynamic integration and segregation in the human brain.
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Differences in resting-state functional connectivity according to the level of impulsiveness in patients with internet gaming disorder.
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Fronto-striatal changes along the menstrual cycle during working memory: Effect of sex hormones on activation and connectivity patterns.
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Predicting Working Memory Capacity Based on Glutamatergic Concentration and its Modulation of Functional Connectivity.
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Common and distinct brain networks of autoscopic phenomena.
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Fatty acid amide hydrolase binding is inversely correlated with amygdalar functional connectivity: a combined positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging study in healthy individuals.
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Accrual of functional redundancy along the lifespan and its effects on cognition.
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Interactive tool to create adjustable anatomical atlases for mouse brain imaging.
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Musical instrument training program improves verbal memory and neural efficiency in novice older adults.
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A pilot trial of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in anorexia nervosa: resting fMRI correlates of response.
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Differences in basic psychological needs-related resting-state functional connectivity between individuals with high and low life satisfaction.
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The processing of angry faces in schizophrenia patients with a history of suicide: An fMRI study examining brain activity and connectivity.
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The neural correlates of delay discounting in obesity and binge eating disorder.
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Brain markers predicting response to cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: an independent replication of Whitfield-Gabrieli et al. 2015.
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Childhood trauma affects autobiographical memory deficits through basal cortisol and prefrontal-extrastriate functional connectivity.
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Differential Behavioral and Neural Effects of Regional Cerebellar tDCS.
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Habenula Connectivity and Intravenous Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression.
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Effect of Neurofeedback Facilitation on Poststroke Gait and Balance Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Functional Analysis of Brain Imaging Suggests Changes in the Availability of mGluR5 and Altered Connectivity in the Cerebral Cortex of Long-Term Abstaining Males with Alcohol Dependence: A Preliminary Study.
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Early deafness leads to re-shaping of functional connectivity beyond the auditory cortex.
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Intrinsic connectivity reveals functionally distinct cortico-hippocampal networks in the human brain.
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Resting State Connectivity Is Modulated by Motor Learning in Individuals After Stroke.
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Somatosensory network functional connectivity differentiates clinical pain phenotypes in diabetic neuropathy.
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Task-induced brain functional connectivity as a representation of schema for mediating unsupervised and supervised learning dynamics in language acquisition.
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The default mode network and cognition in Parkinson's disease: A multimodal resting-state network approach.
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Working Memory for Signs with Poor Visual Resolution: fMRI Evidence of Reorganization of Auditory Cortex in Deaf Signers.
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Brain network integration dynamics are associated with loss and recovery of consciousness induced by sevoflurane.
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The cross-sectional interplay between neurochemical profile and brain connectivity.
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The impact of a lack of mathematical education on brain development and future attainment.
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Distributed functional connectivity predicts neuropsychological test performance among older adults.
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Functional connectivity abnormalities in Type I Chiari: associations with cognition and pain.
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Multimodal Elements of Suicidality Reduction After Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
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Development of [(18)F]AldoView as the First Highly Selective Aldosterone Synthase PET Tracer for Imaging of Primary Hyperaldosteronism.
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Network model of pathology spread recapitulates neurodegeneration and selective vulnerability in Huntington's Disease.
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Resting state functional networks in 1-to-3-year-old typically developing children.
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The effects of positive or negative self-talk on the alteration of brain functional connectivity by performing cognitive tasks.
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Functional connectivity between the ventral anterior cingulate and amygdala during implicit emotional conflict regulation and daily-life emotion dysregulation.
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Functional connectivity of the human hypothalamus during wakefulness and nonrapid eye movement sleep.
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Mapping the organization and dynamics of the posterior medial network during movie watching.
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Supraspinal nociceptive networks in neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury.
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Different modulation effects of 1 Hz and 20 Hz transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation on the functional connectivity of the periaqueductal gray in patients with migraine.
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Investigation of spleen CXCR4 expression by [(68)Ga]Pentixafor PET in a cohort of 145 solid cancer patients.
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The Effect of Light Sedation with Midazolam on Functional Connectivity of the Dorsal Attention Network.
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Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging of the cerebellar vermis in patients with Parkinson's disease and visuospatial disorder.
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Distinct connectivity profiles predict different in-time processes of motor skill learning.
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Pupil-based States of Brain Integration across Cognitive States.
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The relation between parietal GABA concentration and numerical skills.
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Decreased frontotemporal connectivity in patients with parkinson's disease experiencing face pareidolia.
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Loneliness and the Social Brain: How Perceived Social Isolation Impairs Human Interactions.
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Neural impact of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage in traumatically injured adults.
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Sensory integration in interoception: Interplay between top-down and bottom-up processing.
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Thalamocortical functional connectivity in patients with insomnia using resting-state fMRI.
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Resting-State Functional Connectivity following Phonological Component Analysis: The Combined Action of Phonology and Visual Orthographic Cues.
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An Exploratory Study on Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Individuals with Disorganized Attachment: Evidence for Key Regions in Amygdala and Hippocampus.
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Paradoxical somatic information processing for interoception and anxiety in alexithymia.
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Intrinsic cerebellar functional connectivity of social cognition and theory of mind in first-episode psychosis patients.
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Diminished cognitive control in Internet gaming disorder: A multimodal approach with magnetic resonance imaging and real-time heart rate variability.
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Altered connectivity in the right inferior frontal gyrus associated with self-control in adolescents exhibiting problematic smartphone use: A fMRI study.
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Changes in brain connectivity linked to multisensory processing of pain modulation in migraine with acupuncture treatment.
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Effect of deep brain stimulation on brain network and white matter integrity in Parkinson's disease.
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Functional MRI-based study of emotional experience in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Protocol for an observational case-control study-EMOCRISES study.
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Structural and Functional Characterization of Gray Matter Alterations in Female Patients With Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus.
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The C4EB study-Transvamix (10% THC / 5% CBD) to treat chronic pain in epidermolysis bullosa: A protocol for an explorative randomized, placebo controlled, and double blind intervention crossover study.
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Genetic Influence on Nociceptive Processing in the Human Brain-A Twin Study.
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Cancer risk in adrenalectomy: are adrenal lesions equal or more than 4 cm a contraindication for laparoscopy?
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Implicit and explicit emotional memory recall in anxiety and depression: Role of basolateral amygdala and cortisol-norepinephrine interaction.
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Intrinsic connectivity of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex predicts individual differences in controlled semantic retrieval.
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Modulating intrinsic functional connectivity with visual cortex using low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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Tormenting thoughts: The posterior cingulate sulcus of the default mode network regulates valence of thoughts and activity in the brain's pain network during music listening.
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Changes in ventromedial prefrontal cortex functional connectivity are correlated with increased risk-taking after total sleep deprivation.
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Individual differences in the relationship between episodic detail generation and resting state functional connectivity vary with age.
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Descending pain modulatory efficiency in healthy subjects is related to structure and resting connectivity of brain regions.
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Left parietal involvement in motion sickness susceptibility revealed by multimodal magnetic resonance imaging.
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Atypical connectivity in the cortico-striatal network in NF1 children and its relationship with procedural perceptual-motor learning and motor skills.
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Planning in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: an fMRI study.
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Transdiagnostic alterations in neural emotion regulation circuits - neural substrates of cognitive reappraisal in patients with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Abnormal habenula functional connectivity characterizes treatment-resistant depression.
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Perceptual coupling and decoupling of the default mode network during mind-wandering and reading.
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Blue light exposure increases functional connectivity between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and multiple cortical regions.
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Abnormal Anatomical and Functional Connectivity of the Thalamo-sensorimotor Circuit in Chronic Low Back Pain: Resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study.
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The "vestibular neuromatrix": A proposed, expanded vestibular network from graph theory in post-concussive vestibular dysfunction.
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Negative affective burden is associated with higher resting-state functional connectivity in subjective cognitive decline.
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Whole-brain modelling identifies distinct but convergent paths to unconsciousness in anaesthesia and disorders of consciousness.
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Lonely in the Dark: Trauma Memory and Sex-Specific Dysregulation of Amygdala Reactivity to Fear Signals.
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The functional and structural associations of aberrant microglial activity in major depressive disorder.
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Altered functional connectivity in children born very preterm at school age.
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Automatic and effortful control of interference in working memory can be distinguished by unique behavioral and functional brain representations.
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Brain 5-HT2A receptor binding and its neural network related to behavioral inhibition system.
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Disruption of cerebellar-cortical functional connectivity predicts balance instability in alcohol use disorder.
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Alterations of default mode and cingulo-opercular salience network and frontostriatal circuit: A candidate endophenotype of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Modality of practice modulates resting state connectivity during motor learning.
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Network dynamics scale with levels of awareness.
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Neuroplastic changes in anterior cingulate cortex gray matter volume and functional connectivity following attention bias modification in high trait anxious individuals.
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Visual hallucinations in Lewy body disease: pathophysiological insights from phenomenology.
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Evidence for lateralized functional connectivity patterns at rest related to the tendency of externalizing or internalizing anger.
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Quantifying the Human Subchondral Trabecular Bone Microstructure in Osteoarthritis with Clinical CT.
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Common and distinct neural bases of multiple positive emotion regulation strategies: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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Aberrant resting-state functional connectivity of major depressive disorder with higher risk of suicide.
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Differences in Brain Activity Between Dopa-Responsive and -Unresponsive Pain in Parkinson's Disease.
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Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia.
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Neural signatures of individual variability in context-dependent perception of ambiguous facial expression.
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Functional connectivity of the cortico-subcortical sensorimotor loop is modulated by the severity of nigrostriatal dopaminergic denervation in Parkinson's Disease.
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Altered Resting-State Network in Adolescents with Problematic Internet Use.
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Reduced functional connectivity supports statistical learning of temporally distributed regularities.
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Brain-wide connectome inferences using functional connectivity MultiVariate Pattern Analyses (fc-MVPA).
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Altered Functional Connectivity of Basal Ganglia in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease.
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Efficacy and cerebral mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion for treating primary dysmenorrhea: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Electrocortical measures of win and loss processing are associated with mesocorticolimbic functional connectivity: A combined ERP and rs-fMRI study.
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Mapping lesion, structural disconnection, and functional disconnection to symptoms in semantic aphasia.
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Neuroanatomy and Functional Connectivity in Patients with Parkinson's Disease with or without Restless Legs Syndrome.
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Transcranial direct current stimulation to modulate fMRI drug cue reactivity in methamphetamine users: A randomized clinical trial.
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Arithmetic in the signing brain: Differences and similarities in arithmetic processing between deaf signers and hearing non-signers.
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Changes in Functional Connectivity Between Default Mode Network and Attention Network in Response to Changes in Aerobic Exercise Intensity.
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Connective differences between patients with depression with and without ASD: A case-control study.
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Sleep strengthens resting-state functional communication between brain areas involved in the consolidation of problem-solving skills.
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Thalamic volume and functional connectivity are associated with nicotine dependence severity and craving.
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Thalamocortical functional connectivity in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
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The neural correlates of value hierarchies: a prospective typology based on personal value profiles of emerging adults.
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Multimodal prediction of residual consciousness in the intensive care unit: the CONNECT-ME study.
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Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness.
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Effects of exogenous oxytocin and estradiol on resting-state functional connectivity in women and men.
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Differentiation of claustrum resting-state functional connectivity in healthy aging, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.
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Intrinsic hippocampal connectivity is associated with individual differences in retrospective duration processing.
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Rapid Effects of BCI-Based Attention Training on Functional Brain Connectivity in Poststroke Patients: A Pilot Resting-State fMRI Study.
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Reduced emergent character of neural dynamics in patients with a disrupted connectome.
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Shared functional network abnormality in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and their siblings.
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Internet gaming disorder and tobacco use disorder share neural connectivity patterns between the subcortical and the motor network.
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Brain Activation and Functional Connectivity of Reappraisal and Acceptance for Anxious Events.
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Oxytocinergic modulation of speech production-a double-blind placebo-controlled fMRI study.
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Three weeks of exercise therapy altered brain functional connectivity in fibromyalgia inpatients.
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The impact of circulatory arrest with selective antegrade cerebral perfusion on brain functional connectivity and postoperative cognitive function.
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Unconventional shunt surgery for non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in patients not suitable for proximal splenorenal shunt.
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Comparison of Resting-State EEG Network Analyses With and Without Parallel MRI in Genetic Generalized Epilepsy.
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Alexithymia characteristics are associated with salience network activity in healthy participants: an arterial spin labeling study.
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A macroevolutionary common-garden experiment reveals differentially evolvable bone organization levels in slow arboreal mammals.
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Exploring brain functional connectivity in patients with taste loss: a pilot study.
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Genetic risk factors of Alzheimer's Disease disrupt resting-state functional connectivity in cognitively intact young individuals.
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Functional connectivity of the default mode network predicts subsequent polysomnographically measured sleep in people with symptoms of insomnia.
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Abnormal frontostriatal connectivity and serotonin function in gambling disorder: A preliminary exploratory study.
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A naturalistic study comparing the efficacy of unilateral and bilateral sequential theta burst stimulation in treating major depression - the U-B-D study protocol.
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The functional connectome of 3,4-methyldioxymethamphetamine-related declarative memory impairments.
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Hippocampal and parahippocampal volume and function predict antidepressant response in patients with major depression: A multimodal neuroimaging study.
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Medial temporal lobe functional network architecture supports sleep-related emotional memory processing in older adults.
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Reduced neural connectivity in the caudate anterior head predicts hallucination severity in schizophrenia.
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Urinary incontinence-related effects on functional connectivity circuits in persons with Parkinson's disease.
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Pathological claustrum activity drives aberrant cognitive network processing in human chronic pain.
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General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species.
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Characteristic dynamic functional connectivity during sevoflurane-induced general anesthesia.
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Maternal anxiety during pregnancy is associated with weaker prefrontal functional connectivity in adult offspring.
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Somatotopic disruption of the functional connectivity of the primary sensorimotor cortex in complex regional pain syndrome type 1.
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Visual stimulation by extensive visual media consumption can be beneficial for motor learning.
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Blood pressure variability, central autonomic network dysfunction and cerebral small vessel disease in APOE4 carriers.
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Altered thalamus functional connectivity in patients with acute unilateral vestibulopathy: a resting-state fMRI study.
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Association between the frontoparietal network, clinical symptoms and treatment response in individuals with untreated anorexia nervosa.
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Brain network changes and cognitive function after cardiac arrest.
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Identifying brain targets for real-time fMRI neurofeedback in chronic pain: insights from functional neurosurgery.
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Increased functional connectivity following ingestion of dried bonito soup.
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Salience Network Functional Connectivity Mediates Association Between Social Engagement and Cognition in Non-Demented Older Adults: Exploratory Investigation.
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Target engagement of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex with transcranial temporal interference stimulation in major depressive disorder: a protocol for a randomized sham-controlled trial.
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Transcranial focused ultrasound to the posterior cingulate cortex modulates default mode network and subjective experience: an fMRI pilot study.
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The role of attitudes towards contradiction in psychological resilience: the cortical mechanism of conflicting resolution networks.
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Early life stress and body-mass-index modulate brain connectivity in alcohol use disorder.
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Early excitatory-inhibitory cortical modifications following skill learning are associated with motor memory consolidation and plasticity overnight.
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Functional connectivity in Lewy body disease with visual hallucinations.
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Intrinsic functional brain connectivity changes following aerobic exercise, computerized cognitive training, and their combination in physically inactive healthy late-middle-aged adults: the Projecte Moviment.
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Sleep spindle architecture associated with distinct clinical phenotypes in older adults at risk for dementia.
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The neural signature of psychomotor disturbance in depression.
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Hippocampal resting-state connectivity is associated with posterior-cortical cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease.
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Visual Snow Syndrome Improves With Modulation of Resting-State Functional MRI Connectivity After Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: An Open-Label Feasibility Study.
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Spectrotemporal cues and attention jointly modulate fMRI network topology for sentence and melody perception.
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Association between resting-state connectivity patterns in the defensive system network and treatment response in spider phobia-a replication approach.
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Influence of Various Strontium Formulations (Ranelate, Citrate, and Chloride) on Bone Mineral Density, Morphology, and Microarchitecture: A Comparative Study in an Ovariectomized Female Mouse Model of Osteoporosis.
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Increased anger and stress and heightened connectivity between IFG and vmPFC in victims during social interaction.
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Altered structural and functional connectivity in Posterior Cortical Atrophy and Dementia with Lewy bodies.
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Quantifying synergy and redundancy between networks.
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Detecting language network alterations in mild cognitive impairment using task-based fMRI and resting-state fMRI: A comparative study.
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Functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder evaluated using rs-fMRI and DKI.
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Systematic evaluation of fMRI data-processing pipelines for consistent functional connectomics.
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Depressed patients with childhood maltreatment display altered intra- and inter-network resting state functional connectivity.
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Brain alterations in individuals with exercise dependence: A multimodal neuroimaging investigation.
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Effects of bilateral tDCS over DLPFC on response inhibition, craving, and brain functional connectivity in Internet gaming disorder: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial with fMRI.
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MRI resting-state signature of the propensity to experience meaningful coincidences: a functional coupling analysis.
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Speech-language within and between network disruptions in primary progressive aphasia variants.
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A synergistic workspace for human consciousness revealed by Integrated Information Decomposition.
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Conscious but not thinking-Mind-blanks during visuomotor tracking: An fMRI study of endogenous attention lapses.
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Identification of group differences in predictive anticipatory biasing of pain during uncertainty: preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.
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Non-invasive stimulation of the human striatum disrupts reinforcement learning of motor skills.
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Dielectric characterisation of human adrenal glands and adrenal tumours for the development of microwave ablation technologies for hypertension treatment.
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Contributions of network structure, chemoarchitecture and diagnostic categories to transitions between cognitive topographies.
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Frontoparietal network topology as a neural marker of musical perceptual abilities.
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Hippocampal-occipital connectivity reflects autobiographical memory deficits in aphantasia.
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Connectivity based on glucose dynamics reveals exaggerated sensorimotor network coupling on subject-level in Parkinson's disease.
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Comparison of whole-brain task-modulated functional connectivity methods for fMRI task connectomics.
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Rapid modulation in music supports attention in listeners with attentional difficulties.
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Growth and Survival Outcomes for Immature Gopher Tortoises in Contrasting Habitats: A Test of Drone-Based Habitat Assessment.
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The Impact of Ageing on Episodic Memory Retrieval: How Valence Influences Neural Functional Connectivity.
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Cerebellum and basal ganglia connectivity in isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder and Parkinson's disease: an exploratory study.
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TGNet: tensor-based graph convolutional networks for multimodal brain network analysis.
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Aberrant associations between neuronal resting-state fluctuations and working memory-induced activity in major depressive disorder.
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The efficacy and safety of dual-target rTMS over dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cerebellum in the treatment of negative symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia: Protocol for a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study.
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