help > Release of 22a version as standalone
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Oct 19, 2023  10:10 PM | Steffen Bollmann - The University of Queensland
Release of 22a version as standalone

Dear conn-toolbox developers,

Is there any chance you could release the 22a version as a standalone release?


Thank you


Oct 23, 2023  12:10 AM | Steffen Bollmann - The University of Queensland
RE: Release of 22a version as standalone

Originally posted by Steffen Bollmann:

Dear conn-toolbox developers,

Is there any chance you could release the 22a version as a standalone release?


Thank you


In addition, it seems that the 21a version of the standalone release is not working. I get the following error:


Initializing MATLAB Runtime version 9.10
Loading MCR. Please wait...
Warning: Removing "/home/jovyan/.mcrCache9.10/conn_d0/project/busplab/software/spm12/external/fieldtrip/compat/matlablt2016b" from your path.
Error using fullfile (line 103)
All inputs must be strings, character vectors, or cell arrays of character vectors.

Error in runtimeInitializationChecks (line 12)



Could you check if Fieldtrip was accidently on the path when compiling it?