help > Human Connectome Project (HCP) data in new version of CONN?
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Jul 31, 2024  04:07 PM | t_hicks
Human Connectome Project (HCP) data in new version of CONN?

Is the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset included in the new FCP data provided with the newest version of CONN?

Aug 6, 2024  10:08 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Human Connectome Project (HCP) data in new version of CONN?

No, sorry, only the ~1200 subjects from the classic 1000 Functional Connectomes Project is currently included (but we hope to include additional datasets in future releases including possibly HCP if people find this feature useful)



Originally posted by t_hicks:

Is the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset included in the new FCP data provided with the newest version of CONN?