help > GLM variables and Exporting speciffic data
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Aug 2, 2024  03:08 PM | Irina Luz
GLM variables and Exporting speciffic data

Hi everyone!

I'm very new to using Conn or every other fMRI toolbox, but I have two simple (I believe) questions.

1st: After completing every preprocessing and denoising step, I ran an ICA on my data. After this, I wanted to correlate a speciffic ICA with a self-report instrument result to see any individual differences relating to that. When I try to run this analysis, Conn gives me a "warning" about having to select a "constant term" (suggesting me to use the "AllSubjects" variable created after the preprocessing). However, it seems odd to me to include this variable because I'm trying to check for differences between the individuals. Can I ignore this warning or should I really introduce the variable?

2nd: For other analysis I need to retrieve from my data the levels of activation of the chosen ICA. I tried to use the "Export Mask" option, but it gave me an image that I cannot open with FSL. Is there another way to do this? Or even export the mean activation values for excel or something like that?

Thank for your time :)

Irina Luz