help > Voxel to voxel (v2v) connectivity matrix
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Oct 23, 2024  02:10 PM | mborrellpi
Voxel to voxel (v2v) connectivity matrix


I'm trying to create a voxel to voxel connectivity matrix (not the classical ROI to ROI), but after looking at the Conn manual and some tutorials, I still haven't managed to find that option within Conn. In 1st level analysis at the voxel level, it doesn't seem to be an option.

I was wondering, is the option to make a v2v connectivity matrix available in Conn? If so, where can I find it?

Thank you very much!


Oct 23, 2024  02:10 PM | Chihhao Lien
RE: Voxel to voxel (v2v) connectivity matrix

Hi Maria,


If you are referring to "Seed-Based Correlation (SBC)" which is the default analysis of the CONN toolbox, you should input all ROIs in 1st level, then you can see both SBC and ROI-to-ROI Correlation (RRC) at 2nd level.


Best regards,

Chih-Hao Lien

Oct 24, 2024  02:10 PM | mborrellpi
RE: Voxel to voxel (v2v) connectivity matrix

Hi Chihhao, 

Thank you very much for answering so quickly.

However, I was refering to voxel-to-voxel level (like, matching every single voxel with all other voxels), without pre-assuming any ROIs or seeds.

I'm not sure is this option is available in Conn.


Thank you,



Oct 24, 2024  02:10 PM | Chihhao Lien
RE: Voxel to voxel (v2v) connectivity matrix

Hi Maria,


Please refer to the website of the CONN toolbox:


Best regards,
