Good morning/afternoon,
I'd like some help to make sure I'm following properly the raw data (.csv) from my study.
Basically I used Schaefer 400 parcels as a reference. on Network theory second-level results I had selected "network of selected ROIs" and after that I used "Export data". Into .csv file (printscreen attached) I have 3 rows of title/subtitles:
1o one - group each value in the whole network and all subunits of each parcels segregated (OK);
2o row - starts with Subject/Sample# and suddenly stops on Degree + on column null + on column J resumes and goes on for each parcel segregated (Question below - NOK);
3o row - starts with GlobalEfficiency (which is obvious wrong since each row below in fact is the subject/sample#. For each parcel segregated this 3o row starts with the column "BetweennessCentrality" (Question below - NOK);
1 . For a full network analysis (disregarding each parcel) - I need to use as a reference the title of row one and two, correct? The correct order of the columns are:
GlobalEfficiency | LocalEfficiency | BetweennessCentrality | Cost | AveragePathLength | ClusteringCoefficient | Degree |
2. For a single parcel analysis I need to consider the title of row one and three only?
In the example attached - each parcel information starts with the column "BetweenessCentrality" and finishes with "Local efficiency"? Seems wrong - I'd like this clarification please.
Thank you so much for your time!