help > gPPI for parametric modulation - exported values
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Nov 14, 2024 08:11 PM | Sarah Banker
gPPI for parametric modulation - exported values
I'm trying to run a gPPI to look for regions where functional connectivity is associated with a parametric modulator (a "distance" metric dervied from task behavior). I entered the distance parametric modulator as a first level covariate for each session, and then ran a temporal modulation with "distance" selected as the interaction factor. I selected the left and right hippocampus as seeds, and looked for group differences [-1 1; 1 -1] across the average of my 4 sessions (they do not represent different conditions) [1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4].
I just want to confirm:
- Is this the correct setup for my question?
- After identifying a significant cluster, if I select "import
values," do the resulting exported values represent the raw
connectivity values for each participant, or do they represent the
relationship between the connectivity and my paramtric
Thanks so much!