Hello all,
I am currently doing my first resting-state connectivity analysis on CONN. My between subjects contrast is All Subjects, Loneliness, Age, Education, Total intracranial volume [0 1 0 0 0]. I used conn_withinbetweenROItest to test within network connectivity in the DMN and between network connectivity of the DMN and the all other ROIs from other networks. The atlas I am using is Schaefer Yeo 100 parcels 17 networks atlas. My results after conn_withinbetweenROItest showed that neither within network conenctivity or between connectivity differed significantly given my GLM contrasts. However, I tried one mroe step. I ran the conn_withinbetweenROItest using only All subjects as a contrast for the same DMNx all other ROIs connectivity (both within and between), and I used the connectivity values in SPSS in a multivariate model with loneliness as the fixed variable age, education and total intracranial volume as covariates. Surprisingly, the within network conenctivity showed significant differences in those who were lonely in the SPSS results. I am wondering why this may have happened? Technically, I would have expected similar results assuming I used similar models in both conn and SPSS. Could anyone shed more light on this subject?
Thanks a bunch in advance!