help > Issue assigning session condition
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Apr 9, 2015  04:04 PM | Ben Mooneyham - UCSB
Issue assigning session condition

I have pre- and post-intervention scans for 37 subjects, and I have attempted to assign two conditions to the data (pre, post) using the CONN GUI.  However, when running the Setup it gives the following error:

ERROR: Subject 1 does not have any scan associated with condition pre"

...and so on for all the subjects.  I see that, in the conditions menu, I can assign each session-specific scan to a either the pre or post condition, but when I select a different individual scan, it assigns it to whichever condition is highlighted.  

I'm obviously doing something wrong in the interface; could someone help me understand my issue?

Thank you,

Apr 9, 2015  04:04 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Issue assigning session condition
Hi Ben,

In the Setup.Conditions tab, when you click on a condition and a session, you may then enter in the 'onset' and 'duration' fields any of the following:

a) Enter 0 in onset and inf in duration to indicate that the entire session is associated with this condition (e.g. resting-state)
b) Enter a series of condition onset values (in seconds) in onset and associated condition duration values (in seconds) in duration to indicate that only a portion of this session is associated with this condition (e.g. in a block design)
c) Leave the onset and condition fields empty (or enter empty brackets [] there) to indicate that no data in this session is associated with this condition (e.g. for a pre- post- design)

You may do this individually for each subject (by first clicking on the corresponding subject, e.g. for a block design with different presentation orders for each subject) or jointly across subjects (by first clicking on all subjects)

In your case, you would want to first select all subjects in the subjects list, and then:

1) select the 'pre' condition and the 'Session1' session, and enter 0 and inf in onset and duration (this indicates that the entire session1 is associated with your 'pre' condition)
2) select the 'pre' condition and the 'Session2' session, and leave the onset and duration fields empty (this indicates that no data in session2 is associated with your 'pre' condition)
3) select the 'post' condition and the 'Session1' session, and leave the onset and duration fields empty (this indicates that no data in session1 is associated with your 'post' condition)
4) select the 'post' condition and the 'Session2' session, and enter 0 and inf in onset and duration (this indicates that the entire session2 is associated with your 'post' condition)

Let me know if this clarifies
Originally posted by Ben Mooneyham:

I have pre- and post-intervention scans for 37 subjects, and I have attempted to assign two conditions to the data (pre, post) using the CONN GUI.  However, when running the Setup it gives the following error:

ERROR: Subject 1 does not have any scan associated with condition pre"

...and so on for all the subjects.  I see that, in the conditions menu, I can assign each session-specific scan to a either the pre or post condition, but when I select a different individual scan, it assigns it to whichever condition is highlighted.  

I'm obviously doing something wrong in the interface; could someone help me understand my issue?

Thank you,

Apr 9, 2015  04:04 PM | Ben Mooneyham - UCSB
RE: Issue assigning session condition
Hi Alfonso,

Yes that clears it up.  Thank you very much! I had not correctly assigned the 0,Inf values to the appropriate scans for each condition, as you had surmised.  

- Ben