nifti-open > Voxel data greater than 255
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Sep 1, 2011  03:09 PM | Mohan Boddu
Voxel data greater than 255

I am using nifti matlab tools. I have used load_nifti.m and save_nifti.m files. When I trying to save a nifti image where the data is more than 255, I am not getting the correct output but when I am doing modulo of the data with 255 then I can see the ouput. But I want correct label numbers not the modulo numbers. Could any one please help me out.

Thank you,
Mohan Boddu
Mar 20, 2012  04:03 PM | Richard Reynolds
RE: Voxel data greater than 255
Hi Mohan,

While I know little about the matlab code, maybe you need to properly
specify the type of data you are reading/writing, whether it is bytes, shorts,
ints or floats, for example.  Maybe the type is considered byte, if you have
not otherwise specified it.

- rick