The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to NIfTI. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

The LONI Debabeler: a mediator for neuroimaging software.
Description: Neu, Scott C, et al. The LONI Debabeler: a mediator for neuroimaging software. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Feb 15; '''24''' (4):1170-9
Surface-based and probabilistic atlases of primate cerebral cortex.
Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. Surface-based and probabilistic atlases of primate cerebral cortex. ''Neuron''. 2007 Oct 25; '''56''' (2):209-25
Provenance in neuroimaging.
Description: Mackenzie-Graham, Allan J, et al. Provenance in neuroimaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Aug 1; '''42''' (1):178-95
Selective activation of the superior frontal gyrus in task-switching: an event-related fNIRS study.
Description: Cutini, Simone, et al. Selective activation of the superior frontal gyrus in task-switching: an event-related fNIRS study. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Aug 15; '''42''' (2):945-55
Evaluation of 14 nonlinear deformation algorithms applied to human brain MRI registration.
Description: Klein, Arno, et al. Evaluation of 14 nonlinear deformation algorithms applied to human brain MRI registration. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Jul 1; '''46''' (3):786-802
Quantifying the effects of normal ageing on white matter structure using unsupervised tract shape modelling.
Description: Bastin, Mark E, et al. Quantifying the effects of normal ageing on white matter structure using unsupervised tract shape modelling. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 May 15; '''51''' (1):1-10
Head size, age and gender adjustment in MRI studies: a necessary nuisance?
Description: Barnes, Josephine, et al. Head size, age and gender adjustment in MRI studies: a necessary nuisance? ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Dec; '''53''' (4):1244-55
Multisite reliability of cognitive BOLD data.
Description: Brown, Gregory G, et al. Multisite reliability of cognitive BOLD data. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Feb 1; '''54''' (3):2163-75
A hemodynamic correlate of lateralized visual short-term memories.
Description: Cutini, Simone, et al. A hemodynamic correlate of lateralized visual short-term memories. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 May; '''49''' (6):1611-21
Decoding fMRI brain states in real-time.
Description: LaConte, Stephen M. Decoding fMRI brain states in real-time. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 May 15; '''56''' (2):440-54
Robust subdivision of the thalamus in children based on probability distribution functions calculated from probabilistic tractography.
Description: Broser, Philip, et al. Robust subdivision of the thalamus in children based on probability distribution functions calculated from probabilistic tractography. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jul 15; '''57''' (2):403-15
Cortical thickness and voxel-based morphometry in posterior cortical atrophy and typical Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Lehmann, Manja, et al. Cortical thickness and voxel-based morphometry in posterior cortical atrophy and typical Alzheimer's disease. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2011 Aug; '''32''' (8):1466-76
In vivo imaging of inhibitory, GABAergic neurons by MRI.
Description: Aswendt, Markus, et al. In vivo imaging of inhibitory, GABAergic neurons by MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1685-93
Global gray matter changes in posterior cortical atrophy: a serial imaging study.
Description: Lehmann, Manja, et al. Global gray matter changes in posterior cortical atrophy: a serial imaging study. ''Alzheimers Dement''. 2012 Nov; '''8''' (6):502-12
Functional MRI-guided probabilistic tractography of cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical language networks in children.
Description: Broser, Philip Julian, et al. Functional MRI-guided probabilistic tractography of cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical language networks in children. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Nov 15; '''63''' (3):1561-70
Striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability is inversely correlated with cannabis consumption in chronic marijuana users.
Description: Albrecht, Daniel S, et al. Striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability is inversely correlated with cannabis consumption in chronic marijuana users. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2013 Feb 1; '''128''' (1-2):52-7
A quantitative magnetic resonance histology atlas of postnatal rat brain development with regional estimates of growth and variability.
Description: Calabrese, Evan, et al. A quantitative magnetic resonance histology atlas of postnatal rat brain development with regional estimates of growth and variability. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 May 1; '''71''': 196-206
Comparison of panic disorder with and without comorbid major depression by using brain structural magnetic resonance imaging.
Description: Kim, Borah, et al. Comparison of panic disorder with and without comorbid major depression by using brain structural magnetic resonance imaging. ''Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry''. 2013 Jun 3; '''43''': 188-96
3D reconstruction of 2D fluorescence histology images and registration with in vivo MR images: application in a rodent stroke model.
Description: Stille, Maik, et al. 3D reconstruction of 2D fluorescence histology images and registration with in vivo MR images: application in a rodent stroke model. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2013 Sep 30; '''219''' (1):27-40
Towards structured sharing of raw and derived neuroimaging data across existing resources.
Description: Keator, D B, et al. Towards structured sharing of raw and derived neuroimaging data across existing resources. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Nov 15; '''82''': 647-61
Comparison of the brain development trajectory between Chinese and U.S. children and adolescents.
Description: Xie, Wanze, et al. Comparison of the brain development trajectory between Chinese and U.S. children and adolescents. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 249
Effects of VRK2 (rs2312147) on white matter connectivity in patients with schizophrenia.
Description: Sohn, Hoyoung, et al. Effects of VRK2 (rs2312147) on white matter connectivity in patients with schizophrenia. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (7):e103519
Reliability of brain volume measurements: a test-retest dataset.
Description: Maclaren, Julian, et al. Reliability of brain volume measurements: a test-retest dataset. ''Sci Data''. 2014; '''1''': 140037
A novel meta-analytic approach: mining frequent co-activation patterns in neuroimaging databases.
Description: Caspers, Julian, et al. A novel meta-analytic approach: mining frequent co-activation patterns in neuroimaging databases. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Apr 15; '''90''': 390-402
(Con)text-specific effects of visual dysfunction on reading in posterior cortical atrophy.
Description: Yong, Keir X X, et al. (Con)text-specific effects of visual dysfunction on reading in posterior cortical atrophy. ''Cortex''. 2014 Aug; '''57''': 92-106
Waxholm Space atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain.
Description: Papp, Eszter A, et al. Waxholm Space atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Aug 15; '''97''': 374-86
An fMRI comparison of neural activity associated with recognition of familiar melodies in younger and older adults.
Description: Sikka, Ritu, et al. An fMRI comparison of neural activity associated with recognition of familiar melodies in younger and older adults. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 356
BASCO: a toolbox for task-related functional connectivity.
Description: Gottlich, Martin, et al. BASCO: a toolbox for task-related functional connectivity. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 126
Brain Genomics Superstruct Project initial data release with structural, functional, and behavioral measures.
Description: Holmes, Avram J, et al. Brain Genomics Superstruct Project initial data release with structural, functional, and behavioral measures. ''Sci Data''. 2015; '''2''': 150031
Creating 3D visualizations of MRI data: A brief guide.
Description: Madan, Christopher R. Creating 3D visualizations of MRI data: A brief guide. ''F1000Res''. 2015; '''4''': 466
GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics.
Description: Wang, Jinhui, et al. GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 386
Test-retest measurements and digital validation for in vivo neuroscience.
Description: Pestilli, Franco. Test-retest measurements and digital validation for in vivo neuroscience. ''Sci Data''. 2015; '''2''': 140057
Lead-DBS: a toolbox for deep brain stimulation electrode localizations and visualizations.
Description: Horn, Andreas, et al. Lead-DBS: a toolbox for deep brain stimulation electrode localizations and visualizations. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Feb 15; '''107''': 127-135
Standardized evaluation of algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis of dementia based on structural MRI: the CADDementia challenge.
Description: Bron, Esther E, et al. Standardized evaluation of algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis of dementia based on structural MRI: the CADDementia challenge. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 May 1; '''111''': 562-79
eMouseAtlas informatics: embryo atlas and gene expression database.
Description: Armit, Chris, et al. eMouseAtlas informatics: embryo atlas and gene expression database. ''Mamm Genome''. 2015 Oct; '''26''' (9-10):431-40
The construction of MRI brain/head templates for Chinese children from 7 to 16 years of age.
Description: Xie, Wanze, et al. The construction of MRI brain/head templates for Chinese children from 7 to 16 years of age. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Oct; '''15''': 94-105
A database of age-appropriate average MRI templates.
Description: Richards, John E, et al. A database of age-appropriate average MRI templates. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1254-1259
Brain-Wide Mapping of Axonal Connections: Workflow for Automated Detection and Spatial Analysis of Labeling in Microscopic Sections.
Description: Papp, Eszter A, et al. Brain-Wide Mapping of Axonal Connections: Workflow for Automated Detection and Spatial Analysis of Labeling in Microscopic Sections. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2016; '''10''': 11
Micro-CTvlab: A web based virtual gallery of biological specimens using X-ray microtomography (micro-CT).
Description: Keklikoglou, Kleoniki, et al. Micro-CTvlab: A web based virtual gallery of biological specimens using X-ray microtomography (micro-CT). ''Biodivers Data J''. 2016; e8740
Tract Orientation and Angular Dispersion Deviation Indicator (TOADDI): A framework for single-subject analysis in diffusion tensor imaging.
Description: Koay, Cheng Guan, et al. Tract Orientation and Angular Dispersion Deviation Indicator (TOADDI): A framework for single-subject analysis in diffusion tensor imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Feb 1; '''126''': 151-63
A structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset of brain tumour patients.
Description: Pernet, Cyril R, et al. A structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset of brain tumour patients. ''Sci Data''. 2016 Feb 2; '''3''': 160003
Social responsiveness to inanimate entities: Altered white matter in a 'social synaesthesia'.
Description: Simner, J, et al. Social responsiveness to inanimate entities: Altered white matter in a 'social synaesthesia'. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 Oct; '''91''': 282-289
Automatic and Precise Localization and Cortical Labeling of Subdural and Depth Intracranial Electrodes.
Description: Qin, Chaoyi, et al. Automatic and Precise Localization and Cortical Labeling of Subdural and Depth Intracranial Electrodes. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2017; '''11''': 10
Mindboggling morphometry of human brains.
Description: Klein, Arno, et al. Mindboggling morphometry of human brains. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2017 Feb; '''13''' (2):e1005350
Structural and functional, empirical and modeled connectivity in the cerebral cortex of the rat.
Description: Diaz-Parra, Antonio, et al. Structural and functional, empirical and modeled connectivity in the cerebral cortex of the rat. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Oct 1; '''159''': 170-184
PaCER - A fully automated method for electrode trajectory and contact reconstruction in deep brain stimulation.
Description: Husch, Andreas, et al. PaCER - A fully automated method for electrode trajectory and contact reconstruction in deep brain stimulation. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2018; '''17''': 80-89
An annotated test-retest collection of prostate multiparametric MRI.
Description: Fedorov, Andriy, et al. An annotated test-retest collection of prostate multiparametric MRI. ''Sci Data''. 2018 Dec 4; '''5''': 180281
Attention Network Test fMRI data for participants with Parkinson's disease and healthy elderly.
Description: Day, Trevor K M, et al. Attention Network Test fMRI data for participants with Parkinson's disease and healthy elderly. ''F1000Res''. 2019; '''8''': 780
Weaker Inter-hemispheric and Local Functional Connectivity of the Somatomotor Cortex During a Motor Skill Acquisition Is Associated With Better Learning.
Description: Gabitov, Ella, et al. Weaker Inter-hemispheric and Local Functional Connectivity of the Somatomotor Cortex During a Motor Skill Acquisition Is Associated With Better Learning. ''Front Neurol''. 2019; '''10''': 1242
Reduced respiratory motion artefact in constant TR multi-slice MRI of the mouse.
Description: Kinchesh, Paul, et al. Reduced respiratory motion artefact in constant TR multi-slice MRI of the mouse. ''Magn Reson Imaging''. 2019 Jul; '''60''': 1-6
Waxholm Space atlas of the rat brain auditory system: Three-dimensional delineations based on structural and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging.
Description: Osen, Kirsten K, et al. Waxholm Space atlas of the rat brain auditory system: Three-dimensional delineations based on structural and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Oct 1; '''199''': 38-56
Whole Tumor Histogram Analysis Using DW MRI in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Correlates with Tumor Biomarkers and Outcome.
Description: Chong, Insun, et al. Whole Tumor Histogram Analysis Using DW MRI in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Correlates with Tumor Biomarkers and Outcome. ''Cancers (Basel)''. 2019 Oct 8; '''11''' (10):
A Comparison of Techniques for Correcting Eddy-current and Motion-induced Distortions in Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar Images.
Description: Haneda, Jun, et al. A Comparison of Techniques for Correcting Eddy-current and Motion-induced Distortions in Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar Images. ''Magn Reson Med Sci''. 2019 Oct 15; '''18''' (4):272-275
Temporal stability of fMRI in medetomidine-anesthetized rats.
Description: Sirmpilatze, Nikoloz, et al. Temporal stability of fMRI in medetomidine-anesthetized rats. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Nov 13; '''9''' (1):16673
Prediction of IDH and TERT promoter mutations in low-grade glioma from magnetic resonance images using a convolutional neural network.
Description: Fukuma, Ryohei, et al. Prediction of IDH and TERT promoter mutations in low-grade glioma from magnetic resonance images using a convolutional neural network. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Dec 30; '''9''' (1):20311
An Integrative Approach to Study Structural and Functional Network Connectivity in Epilepsy Using Imaging and Signal Data.
Description: Carr, Sarah J A, et al. An Integrative Approach to Study Structural and Functional Network Connectivity in Epilepsy Using Imaging and Signal Data. ''Front Integr Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 491403
Does Measurement of Corticospinal Tract Involvement Add Value to Clinical Behavioral Biomarkers in Predicting Motor Recovery after Stroke?
Description: Lim, Jong Youb, et al. Does Measurement of Corticospinal Tract Involvement Add Value to Clinical Behavioral Biomarkers in Predicting Motor Recovery after Stroke? ''Neural Plast''. 2020; '''2020''': 8883839
Machine deep learning accurately detects endoleak after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Description: Hahn, Sage, et al. Machine deep learning accurately detects endoleak after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. ''JVS Vasc Sci''. 2020; '''1''': 5-12
Evaluation of the age-related and gender-related differences in patients with primary insomnia by fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Wang, Yu-Kai, et al. Evaluation of the age-related and gender-related differences in patients with primary insomnia by fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Medicine (Baltimore)''. 2020 Jan; '''99''' (3):e18786
The Preferred Locations of Meningioma According to Different Biological Characteristics Based on Voxel-Wise Analysis.
Description: Sun, Chongran, et al. The Preferred Locations of Meningioma According to Different Biological Characteristics Based on Voxel-Wise Analysis. ''Front Oncol''. 2020; '''10''': 1412
Theanine, the Main Amino Acid in Tea, Prevents Stress-Induced Brain Atrophy by Modifying Early Stress Responses.
Description: Unno, Keiko, et al. Theanine, the Main Amino Acid in Tea, Prevents Stress-Induced Brain Atrophy by Modifying Early Stress Responses. ''Nutrients''. 2020 Jan 8; '''12''' (1):
Emphasis Learning, Features Repetition in Width Instead of Length to Improve Classification Performance: Case Study-Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis.
Description: Akramifard, Hamid, et al. Emphasis Learning, Features Repetition in Width Instead of Length to Improve Classification Performance: Case Study-Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2020 Feb 10; '''20''' (3):
Detecting focal cortical dysplasia lesions from FLAIR-negative images based on cortical thickness.
Description: Feng, Cuixia, et al. Detecting focal cortical dysplasia lesions from FLAIR-negative images based on cortical thickness. ''Biomed Eng Online''. 2020 Feb 22; '''19''' (1):13
Brain Damage With Heart Failure: Cardiac Biomarker Alterations and Gray Matter Decline.
Description: Mueller, Karsten, et al. Brain Damage With Heart Failure: Cardiac Biomarker Alterations and Gray Matter Decline. ''Circ Res''. 2020 Mar 13; '''126''' (6):750-764
Improved detection of molecularly targeted iron oxide particles in mouse brain using B0 field stabilised high resolution MRI.
Description: Gilchrist, Stuart, et al. Improved detection of molecularly targeted iron oxide particles in mouse brain using B0 field stabilised high resolution MRI. ''Magn Reson Imaging''. 2020 Apr; '''67''': 101-108
Ex Vivo MRI Analytical Methods and Brain Pathology in Preterm Lambs Treated with Postnatal Dexamethasone (dagger).
Description: Yates, Nathanael J, et al. Ex Vivo MRI Analytical Methods and Brain Pathology in Preterm Lambs Treated with Postnatal Dexamethasone (dagger). ''Brain Sci''. 2020 Apr 3; '''10''' (4):
Robust Markers and Sample Sizes for Multicenter Trials of Huntington Disease.
Description: Wijeratne, Peter A, et al. Robust Markers and Sample Sizes for Multicenter Trials of Huntington Disease. ''Ann Neurol''. 2020 May; '''87''' (5):751-762
Multicenter dataset of multi-shell diffusion MRI in healthy traveling adults with identical settings.
Description: Tong, Qiqi, et al. Multicenter dataset of multi-shell diffusion MRI in healthy traveling adults with identical settings. ''Sci Data''. 2020 May 27; '''7''' (1):157
Stanford DRO Toolkit: Digital Reference Objects for Standardization of Radiomic Features.
Description: Jaggi, Akshay, et al. Stanford DRO Toolkit: Digital Reference Objects for Standardization of Radiomic Features. ''Tomography''. 2020 Jun; '''6''' (2):111-117
CemrgApp: An interactive medical imaging application with image processing, computer vision, and machine learning toolkits for cardiovascular research.
Description: Razeghi, Orod, et al. CemrgApp: An interactive medical imaging application with image processing, computer vision, and machine learning toolkits for cardiovascular research. ''SoftwareX''. 2020 Jul-Dec; '''12''': 100570
Subcortical nuclei volumes are associated with cognition in children post-convulsive status epilepticus: Results at nine years follow-up.
Description: Bennett, Kyle H, et al. Subcortical nuclei volumes are associated with cognition in children post-convulsive status epilepticus: Results at nine years follow-up. ''Epilepsy Behav''. 2020 Sep; '''110''': 107119
Development of a volumetric pancreas segmentation CT dataset for AI applications through trained technologists: a study during the COVID 19 containment phase.
Description: Suman, Garima, et al. Development of a volumetric pancreas segmentation CT dataset for AI applications through trained technologists: a study during the COVID 19 containment phase. ''Abdom Radiol (NY)''. 2020 Sep 16;
Prediction of a Cell-Class-Specific Mouse Mesoconnectome Using Gene Expression Data.
Description: Timonidis, Nestor, et al. Prediction of a Cell-Class-Specific Mouse Mesoconnectome Using Gene Expression Data. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2020 Oct; '''18''' (4):611-626
Resting state activity and connectivity of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and globus pallidus in Lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease dementia.
Description: Gratwicke, James, et al. Resting state activity and connectivity of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and globus pallidus in Lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease dementia. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 1; '''221''': 117184
(18)F-THK5351 PET imaging in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy: associations with core domains and diagnostic certainty.
Description: Hsu, Jung-Lung, et al. (18)F-THK5351 PET imaging in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy: associations with core domains and diagnostic certainty. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Nov 10; '''10''' (1):19410
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging histogram analysis in HIV positive and negative patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma as a predictor of outcome and tumor proliferation.
Description: Khan, Bilal, et al. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging histogram analysis in HIV positive and negative patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma as a predictor of outcome and tumor proliferation. ''Oncotarget''. 2020 Nov 10; '''11''' (45):4093-4103
Correlating Radiomic Features of Heterogeneity on CT with Circulating Tumor DNA in Metastatic Melanoma.
Description: Gill, Andrew B, et al. Correlating Radiomic Features of Heterogeneity on CT with Circulating Tumor DNA in Metastatic Melanoma. ''Cancers (Basel)''. 2020 Nov 24; '''12''' (12):
De-Identification of Facial Features in Magnetic Resonance Images: Software Development Using Deep Learning Technology.
Description: Jeong, Yeon Uk, et al. De-Identification of Facial Features in Magnetic Resonance Images: Software Development Using Deep Learning Technology. ''J Med Internet Res''. 2020 Dec 10; '''22''' (12):e22739
COVID-19 identification from volumetric chest CT scans using a progressively resized 3D-CNN incorporating segmentation, augmentation, and class-rebalancing.
Description: Hasan, Md Kamrul, et al. COVID-19 identification from volumetric chest CT scans using a progressively resized 3D-CNN incorporating segmentation, augmentation, and class-rebalancing. ''Inform Med Unlocked''. 2021; '''26''': 100709
Disrupted Network Topology Contributed to Spatial Navigation Impairment in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Description: Li, Weiping, et al. Disrupted Network Topology Contributed to Spatial Navigation Impairment in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2021; '''13''': 630677
Immune Checkpoint-Associated Locations of Diffuse Gliomas Comparing Pediatric With Adult Patients Based on Voxel-Wise Analysis.
Description: Zhang, Li, et al. Immune Checkpoint-Associated Locations of Diffuse Gliomas Comparing Pediatric With Adult Patients Based on Voxel-Wise Analysis. ''Front Immunol''. 2021; '''12''': 582594
LeGUI: A Fast and Accurate Graphical User Interface for Automated Detection and Anatomical Localization of Intracranial Electrodes.
Description: Davis, Tyler S, et al. LeGUI: A Fast and Accurate Graphical User Interface for Automated Detection and Anatomical Localization of Intracranial Electrodes. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 769872
Predicting disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.
Description: Anderl-Straub, Sarah, et al. Predicting disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. ''Alzheimers Dement (Amst)''. 2021; '''13''' (1):e12262
Predicting future amyloid biomarkers in dementia patients with machine learning to improve clinical trial patient selection.
Description: Reith, Fabian H, et al. Predicting future amyloid biomarkers in dementia patients with machine learning to improve clinical trial patient selection. ''Alzheimers Dement (N Y)''. 2021; '''7''' (1):e12212
Prediction of the Recurrence of Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas Using Preoperative Supra-Intra Sellar Volume and Tumor-Carotid Distance.
Description: Chen, Wenli, et al. Prediction of the Recurrence of Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas Using Preoperative Supra-Intra Sellar Volume and Tumor-Carotid Distance. ''Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)''. 2021; '''12''': 748997
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis of Early Markers of Upper Cervical Cord Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder.
Description: Adibi, Iman, et al. Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis of Early Markers of Upper Cervical Cord Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder. ''Mult Scler Int''. 2021; '''2021''': 9917582
The Infratentorial Localization of Brain Metastases May Correlate with Specific Clinical Characteristics and Portend Worse Outcomes Based on Voxel-Wise Mapping.
Description: Dou, Zhangqi, et al. The Infratentorial Localization of Brain Metastases May Correlate with Specific Clinical Characteristics and Portend Worse Outcomes Based on Voxel-Wise Mapping. ''Cancers (Basel)''. 2021 Jan 17; '''13''' (2):
Alcohol drinking and brain morphometry in apparently healthy community-dwelling Japanese men.
Description: Syaifullah, Ali Haidar, et al. Alcohol drinking and brain morphometry in apparently healthy community-dwelling Japanese men. ''Alcohol''. 2021 Feb; '''90''': 57-65
Hyperparameter optimisation and validation of registration algorithms for measuring regional ventricular deformation using retrospective gated computed tomography images.
Description: Razeghi, Orod, et al. Hyperparameter optimisation and validation of registration algorithms for measuring regional ventricular deformation using retrospective gated computed tomography images. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Mar 11; '''11''' (1):5718
A study of regional homogeneity of resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in mild cognitive impairment.
Description: Liu, Li, et al. A study of regional homogeneity of resting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in mild cognitive impairment. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2021 Mar 26; '''402''': 113103
An analytical workflow for seed-based correlation and independent component analysis in interventional resting-state fMRI studies.
Description: Seewoo, Bhedita J, et al. An analytical workflow for seed-based correlation and independent component analysis in interventional resting-state fMRI studies. ''Neurosci Res''. 2021 Apr; '''165''': 26-37
Chemerin impairs food intake and body weight in chicken: Focus on hypothalamic neuropeptides gene expression and AMPK signaling pathway.
Description: Estienne, Anthony, et al. Chemerin impairs food intake and body weight in chicken: Focus on hypothalamic neuropeptides gene expression and AMPK signaling pathway. ''Gen Comp Endocrinol''. 2021 Apr 1; '''304''': 113721
Neuroimaging, Urinary, and Plasma Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Huntington's Disease: Preclinical Evidence with the p75(NTR) Ligand LM11A-31.
Description: Simmons, Danielle A, et al. Neuroimaging, Urinary, and Plasma Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Huntington's Disease: Preclinical Evidence with the p75(NTR) Ligand LM11A-31. ''Neurotherapeutics''. 2021 Apr; '''18''' (2):1039-1063
Specimen specific imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next generation virtual knees.
Description: Chokhandre, Snehal, et al. Specimen specific imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next generation virtual knees. ''Data Brief''. 2021 Apr; '''35''': 106824
Robustness of radiomic features in CT images with different slice thickness, comparing liver tumour and muscle.
Description: Escudero Sanchez, Lorena, et al. Robustness of radiomic features in CT images with different slice thickness, comparing liver tumour and muscle. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Apr 15; '''11''' (1):8262
In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 microm isotropic resolution.
Description: Wang, Fuyixue, et al. In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 microm isotropic resolution. ''Sci Data''. 2021 Apr 29; '''8''' (1):122
Deep brain stimulation of midbrain locomotor circuits in the freely moving pig.
Description: Chang, Stephano J, et al. Deep brain stimulation of midbrain locomotor circuits in the freely moving pig. ''Brain Stimul''. 2021 May-Jun; '''14''' (3):467-476
How Cerebral Vessel Tortuosity Affects Development and Recurrence of Aneurysm: Outer Curvature versus Bifurcation Type.
Description: Kim, Hyung Jun, et al. How Cerebral Vessel Tortuosity Affects Development and Recurrence of Aneurysm: Outer Curvature versus Bifurcation Type. ''J Stroke''. 2021 May; '''23''' (2):213-222
Automatic detect lung node with deep learning in segmentation and imbalance data labeling.
Description: Chiu, Ting-Wei, et al. Automatic detect lung node with deep learning in segmentation and imbalance data labeling. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 May 27; '''11''' (1):11174
FSL-MRS: An end-to-end spectroscopy analysis package.
Description: Clarke, William T, et al. FSL-MRS: An end-to-end spectroscopy analysis package. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2021 Jun; '''85''' (6):2950-2964
Resting-State Magnetoencephalography Reveals Neurobiological Bridges Between Pain and Cognitive Impairment.
Description: Shigihara, Yoshihito, et al. Resting-State Magnetoencephalography Reveals Neurobiological Bridges Between Pain and Cognitive Impairment. ''Pain Ther''. 2021 Jun; '''10''' (1):349-361
Left lateralization of neonatal caudate microstructure affects emerging language development at 24 months.
Description: Tan, Ai Peng, et al. Left lateralization of neonatal caudate microstructure affects emerging language development at 24 months. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2021 Jul; '''54''' (2):4621-4637
Assessing Versatile Machine Learning Models for Glioma Radiogenomic Studies across Hospitals.
Description: Kawaguchi, Risa K, et al. Assessing Versatile Machine Learning Models for Glioma Radiogenomic Studies across Hospitals. ''Cancers (Basel)''. 2021 Jul 19; '''13''' (14):
LayNii: A software suite for layer-fMRI.
Description: Huber, Laurentius Renzo, et al. LayNii: A software suite for layer-fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118091
Cerebellar preference of luminal A and B type and basal ganglial preference of HER2-positive type breast cancer-derived brain metastases.
Description: Izutsu, Nobuyuki, et al. Cerebellar preference of luminal A and B type and basal ganglial preference of HER2-positive type breast cancer-derived brain metastases. ''Mol Clin Oncol''. 2021 Sep; '''15''' (3):175
Neurobiological substrates of major psychiatry disorders: transdiagnostic associations between white matter abnormalities, neuregulin 1 and clinical manifestation.
Description: Duan, Jia, et al. Neurobiological substrates of major psychiatry disorders: transdiagnostic associations between white matter abnormalities, neuregulin 1 and clinical manifestation. ''J Psychiatry Neurosci''. 2021 Sep 1; '''46''' (5):E506-E515
Loss of consciousness reduces the stability of brain hubs and the heterogeneity of brain dynamics.
Description: Lopez-Gonzalez, Ane, et al. Loss of consciousness reduces the stability of brain hubs and the heterogeneity of brain dynamics. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Sep 6; '''4''' (1):1037
Radiofrequency Bias Correction of Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo MRI at 7.0 Tesla Using an External Reference in a Sequential Protocol.
Description: Olsson, Hampus, et al. Radiofrequency Bias Correction of Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo MRI at 7.0 Tesla Using an External Reference in a Sequential Protocol. ''Tomography''. 2021 Sep 13; '''7''' (3):434-451
Quantitative brain imaging analysis of neurological syndromes associated with anti-GAD antibodies.
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Uncovering Statistical Links Between Gene Expression and Structural Connectivity Patterns in the Mouse Brain.
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Impact of GAN-based lesion-focused medical image super-resolution on the robustness of radiomic features.
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A Prospective Single-Center Study of the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at 2-Week Follow-Up in 17 Patients with Chronic Orofacial Pain Diagnosed by Infrared Thermography.
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Large, open datasets for human connectomics research: Considerations for reproducible and responsible data use.
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ResectVol: A tool to automatically segment and characterize lacunas in brain images.
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Structural remodeling in related brain regions in patients with facial synkinesis.
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Quantification of H2(17)O by (1)H-MR imaging at 3 T: a feasibility study.
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Detecting brain lesions in suspected acute ischemic stroke with CT-based synthetic MRI using generative adversarial networks.
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Automated detection of the contrast phase in MDCT by an artificial neural network improves the accuracy of opportunistic bone mineral density measurements.
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Hemodynamic evaluation of patients with Moyamoya Angiopathy: comparison of resting-state fMRI to breath-hold fMRI and [(15)O]water PET.
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Circulating Lipocalin-2 level is positively associated with cognitive impairment in patients with metabolic syndrome.
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Machine Learning Quantitative Analysis of FDG PET Images of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients.
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What's new and what's next in diffusion MRI preprocessing.
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Automated segmentation of magnetic resonance bone marrow signal: a feasibility study.
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A Dedicated Tool for Presurgical Mapping of Brain Tumors and Mixed-Reality Navigation During Neurosurgery.
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Strategic infarct location for post-stroke seizure.
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Meditation-induced effects on whole-brain structural and effective connectivity.
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Fully automated AI-based splenic segmentation for predicting survival and estimating the risk of hepatic decompensation in TACE patients with HCC.
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Cerebral (18) F-fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism alteration of reward- and motivation-related regions in groups of different BMI classifications.
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Correlation of T1- to T2-weighted signal intensity ratio with T1- and T2-relaxation time and IDH mutation status in glioma.
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Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.
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Convolutional neural network for automated segmentation of the liver and its vessels on non-contrast T1 vibe Dixon acquisitions.
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Harnessing axonal transport to map reward circuitry: Differing brain-wide projections from medial prefrontal cortical domains.
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The KNee OsteoArthritis Prediction (KNOAP2020) challenge: An image analysis challenge to predict incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis from MRI and X-ray images.
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Using a generative adversarial network to generate synthetic MRI images for multi-class automatic segmentation of brain tumors.
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Multilesion Segmentations in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Reliability of ICH, IVH and PHE Masks.
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MRI evidence of olfactory system alterations in patients with COVID-19 and neurological symptoms.
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Generative adversarial network constrained multiple loss autoencoder: A deep learning-based individual atrophy detection for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.
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Comparative validation of AI and non-AI methods in MRI volumetry to diagnose Parkinsonian syndromes.
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fMRIflows: A Consortium of Fully Automatic Univariate and Multivariate fMRI Processing Pipelines.
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Modelling the differential effects of age on transcranial magnetic stimulation induced electric fields.
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Development and External Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm to Identify and Localize Subarachnoid Hemorrhage on CT Scans.
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Large scale crowdsourced radiotherapy segmentations across a variety of cancer anatomic sites.
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Identifying the engagement of a brain network during a targeted tDCS-fMRI experiment using a machine learning approach.
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Three-round learning strategy based on 3D deep convolutional GANs for Alzheimer's disease staging.
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The three-dimensional weakly supervised deep learning algorithm for traumatic splenic injury detection and sequential localization: an experimental study.
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A pharmacological challenge paradigm to assess neural signatures of script-elicited acute dissociation in women with post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Prediction of prostate tumour hypoxia using pre-treatment MRI-derived radiomics: preliminary findings.
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The Brain/MINDS Marmoset Connectivity Resource: An open-access platform for cellular-level tracing and tractography in the primate brain.
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Topographic Mapping of Isolated Thalamic Infarcts Using Vascular and Novel Probabilistic Functional Thalamic Landmarks.
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A large-scale fMRI dataset for human action recognition.
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EDSS and infratentorial white matter lesion volume are considered predictors of fatigue severity in RRMS.
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Independent and additive contribution of white matter hyperintensities and Alzheimer's disease pathology to basal forebrain cholinergic system degeneration.
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Local and long-distance organization of prefrontal cortex circuits in the marmoset brain.
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A large-scale fMRI dataset for the visual processing of naturalistic scenes.
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Diagnostic Accuracy of Epilepsy-dedicated MRI with Post-processing.
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Efficacy of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis vaccine delivered to European badgers (Meles meles) through edible bait.
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Sensitivity of standardised radiomics algorithms to mask generation across different software platforms.
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Determining The Role Of Radiation Oncologist Demographic Factors On Segmentation Quality: Insights From A Crowd-Sourced Challenge Using Bayesian Estimation.
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Harnessing axonal transport to map reward circuitry: Differing brain-wide projections from medial forebrain domains.
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MRI-based machine learning models predict the malignant biological behavior of meningioma.
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MRI-based radiomic signatures for pretreatment prognostication in cervical cancer.
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The utility of automatic segmentation of kidney MRI in chronic kidney disease using a 3D convolutional neural network.
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An artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis modeling software (AIMS) platform based on medical images and machine learning: a development and validation study.
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Non-contrast computed tomography features predict intraventricular hemorrhage growth.
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Radiomics as a non-invasive adjunct to Chest CT in distinguishing benign and malignant lung nodules.
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A robust class decomposition-based approach for detecting Alzheimer's progression.
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Development and Evaluation of Machine Learning in Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detecting Metastases in Patients With Lung or Colon Cancer: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study.
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Reduced Lateralization of Multiple Functional Brain Networks in Autistic Males.
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Mortality Prediction of Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using a Deep Learning Model Based on an Initial Brain CT Scan.
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Activation Likelihood Estimation Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis: a Powerful Tool for Emotion Research.
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Association study of brain structure-function coupling and glymphatic system function in patients with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease.
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Machine learning techniques based on (18)F-FDG PET radiomics features of temporal regions for the classification of temporal lobe epilepsy patients from healthy controls.
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Microstructural alterations in white matter and related neurobiology based on the new clinical subtypes of Parkinson's disease.
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Sex differences and age-related changes in vertebral body volume and volumetric bone mineral density at the thoracolumbar spine using opportunistic QCT.
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The anterior sylvian point as a reliable landmark for the anterior temporal lobectomy in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: technical note, case series, and cadaveric dissection.
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Inhibiting Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase with 1400W Reduces Soman (GD)-Induced Ferroptosis in Long-Term Epilepsy-Associated Neuropathology: Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlations with Neurobehavior and Brain Pathology.
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Probing the glioma microvasculature: a case series of the comparison between perfusion MRI and intraoperative high-frame-rate ultrafast Doppler ultrasound.
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Image annotation and curation in radiology: an overview for machine learning practitioners.
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Cerebral MRI in a prospective cohort study on depression and atherosclerosis: the BiDirect sample, processing pipelines, and analysis tools.
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Deep learning segmentation of organs-at-risk with integration into clinical workflow for pediatric brain radiotherapy.
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Elevated brain temperature under severe heat exposure impairs cortical motor activity and executive function.
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A Human Brain Map of Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Diversity.
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Tumour Size and Overall Survival in a Cohort of Patients with Unifocal Glioblastoma: A Uni- and Multivariable Prognostic Modelling and Resampling Study.
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Magnetoencephalography Atlas Viewer for Dipole Localization and Viewing.
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Additive Effects of Monetary Loss and Positive Emotion in the Human Brain.
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Enhancing paranasal sinus disease detection with AutoML: efficient AI development and evaluation via magnetic resonance imaging.
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Development and Implementation of an Innovative Framework for Automated Radiomics Analysis in Neuroimaging.
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Artificial intelligence system for automatic maxillary sinus segmentation on cone beam computed tomography images.
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Radiomic profiles improve prognostication and reveal targets for therapy in cervical cancer.
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Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging-based statistical shape analysis and machine learning-based prediction of patellofemoral instability.
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Subclinical structural atypicality of retinal thickness and its association with gray matter volume in the visual cortex of maltreated children.
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Deep-learning segmentation to select liver parenchyma for categorizing hepatic steatosis on multinational chest CT.
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Deep Learning for Automated Detection and Localization of Traumatic Abdominal Solid Organ Injuries on CT Scans.
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Radiomics-based machine learning approach for the prediction of grade and stage in upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma: a step towards virtual biopsy.
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An interpretable artificial intelligence model based on CT for prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage: a multicenter study.
Description: Zhang, Hao, et al. An interpretable artificial intelligence model based on CT for prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage: a multicenter study. ''BMC Med Imaging''. 2024 Jul 9; '''24''' (1):170
Prediction of hematoma expansion in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage using a multimodal neural network.
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Adaptive fine-tuning based transfer learning for the identification of MGMT promoter methylation status.
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Effect of Jardiance on glucose uptake into astrocytomas.
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