users > Segmentation fault
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Jun 14, 2023  10:06 PM | ktagen-sudo - University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Segmentation fault



I downloaded CMTK-3.3.2-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz

When I tried to use cmtk I got glibc related issues:

/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.29'

/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.33'

/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.34'

So I built glibc 2.34.

When running cmtk I am getting a segmentation fault core dumped problem.

LD_PRELOAD="/projects/kefo9343/glibc-2.34/glibc-build/lib/ /projects/kefo9343/glibc-2.34/glibc-build/lib/ /projects/kefo9343/glibc-2.34/glibc-build/lib/li" cmtk avg_adm 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


Do you have any suggestion?


All the best


Jun 15, 2023  01:06 AM | Torsten Rohlfing
RE: Segmentation fault

Well, rather than build glibc, I would suggest you just build CMTK from scratch instead. Just get the "Source" archive from the Downloads section here, unpack, configure using cmake, and build. Let me know if you run into any trouble.

Jun 15, 2023  11:06 AM | Greg Jefferis
RE: Segmentation fault

Originally posted by Torsten Rohlfing:

Well, rather than build glibc, I would suggest you just build CMTK from scratch instead. Just get the "Source" archive from the Downloads section here, unpack, configure using cmake, and build. Let me know if you run into any trouble.

see this thread for some details of how to compile The instructions need to be followed carefully see e.g. the bottom of this thread:



Jun 15, 2023  06:06 PM | ktagen-sudo - University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
RE: Segmentation fault

Yeah building it from scratch with the procedure below seems to have solved the problem.

Thank you so much!


1. Untar the compressed tarball file:
tar -xzvf CMTK-3.3.2-Source.tar.gz

2. Rename the package core

mv CMTK-3.3.2-Source.tar.gz core

3. Create build directory and cd:

mkdir build;cd build

4. Load cmake v 3.25.0, gcc v10.3.0 and fftw v3.3.10:

module load cmake gcc/10.3.0 fftw/3.3.10

5. Configure with cmake:

cmake -C ../core/config/gcc-x86_64-sse.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -
DFFTW_DIR=/curc/sw/install/fftw/3.3.10/gcc/10.3.0 -
DFFTW_INCLUDE_PATH=/curc/sw/install/fftw/3.3.10/gcc/10.3.0/include -
DFFTWD_THREADS_LIB=/curc/sw/install/fftw/3.3.10/gcc/10.3.0/lib/ -
DFFTWD_OMP_LIB=/curc/sw/install/fftw/3.3.10/gcc/10.3.0/lib/ -
DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/scratch/alpine/kefo9343/nitrc/build ../core/

6. Run make:

make j 4

7. Install

make install

8. Make package that is compatible with all the specific system versions

cpack -G RPM

9. Go to the bin directory and add the path

cd bin; PATH=${PATH}:$(pwd)

10. Add the PATH to your ~/.bashrc as well