users > [solved] uncompressed detached header reformatx output file
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Jun 27, 2018  01:06 PM | Hugo Trentesaux
[solved] uncompressed detached header reformatx output file
Is there a way to deactivate compression when running reformatx with a detached header nrrd file as output ('*.nhdr') ?

When I run `cmtk reformatx -o output.nhdr --floating floatingStack.nhdr fixedStack.nhdr affine.xform` it gives me as output a *.nhdr text file plus a *.tar.gz compressed binary file. I would like a *.nhdr with a *.raw or *.bin non-compressed binary file.
Jun 27, 2018  01:06 PM | Greg Jefferis
RE: uncompressed detached header reformatx output file
Torsten is best for this, but I think you can set an environment variable CMTK_WRITE_UNCOMPRESSED, something like:

CMTK_WRITE_UNCOMPRESSED=TRUE cmtk reformatx -o output.nhdr --floating floatingStack.nhdr fixedStack.nhdr affine.xform


Jun 27, 2018  02:06 PM | Hugo Trentesaux
RE: uncompressed detached header reformatx output file
Thanks for your quick answer !
Jun 27, 2018  02:06 PM | Hugo Trentesaux
RE: uncompressed detached header reformatx output file
That was in the user manual !! My bad.
It is written:
As always, the final answer is "read the doc"...