Posted By: David André Barrière - Dec 3, 2019
Tool/Resource: Turone Mouse Brain Template and Atlas
Literature offers different brain mice templates and atlas, but these templates are often incomplete or corresponding atlas are not enough precise, covering too large and nonspecific territories or critical regions of interest are lacking. Here, we developed a new set of neuro-informatic tools based on the AMBMC mice template and the Scalable mice brain atlas from the Brain Allen project. By combining the two, we offer for the first-time a complete resource of brain mouse namely an accurate brain atlas (1318 regions of interest), a high-resolution brain template as well as the associated GM, WM and CSF priors (60µm isotropic). Additionally, we provide a 3D-mesh image for data visualization fully normalized within the same space and in the same resolution. GM, WM and CSF probabilistic maps built and use in this study have been calculated from 138 T2-weighted anatomical images resulting robust tissue-class priors for Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) analysis but also for functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging analysis in mice.
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