help > does the condition order affect the 1st level and 2nd level analysis
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Apr 17, 2024  09:04 AM | Jessie Jiang
does the condition order affect the 1st level and 2nd level analysis

Dear CONN experts,

Thanks for this great tool. I am totally new to this area. I have 3 tasks of interest, say task A,B,C, and a control task. The participants take A,B,C tasks in random order and I recorded them using the onset file. My questions are:

(1) Do I need to record the rest time as rest condition and add them in the onset file? My understanding is I only need to set the task A,B,C and control task, is that right?

(2) During the denoising step, do I need to add the control task effect as the regressor, in addition to Task A, B, C? 

(2) As my tasks prsent in random order, can I do the 1st level analysis including the seed-to-ROI and ROI-to-ROI analyses as the tutorial said? Since the correlations or regressions are based on time-series, doesn't the task order affect the process even though we imported the onset file?

Thank you very much! Any help would be appreciated.