help > Interpreting ICA Parcellation Output Files in CONN
Sep 20, 2024  04:09 PM | Anna Kwiatkowski - University Hospital Aachen
Interpreting ICA Parcellation Output Files in CONN

Dear CONN community,

I have conducted a first-level ICA analysis with 20 components for my data. Now, I would like to perform group comparisons within each of the 8 large-scale resting-state networks (RSNs) included in the CONN template. Using the "Compute Spatial Match to Template" tool, I selected 8 components that best fit these large-scale RSNs. Additionally, I used the "Create ICA Parcellation ROI File" tool (with a z-threshold of 2) to extract each component. For further analysis, I intend to separate each component into ROIs using an atlas of my choice.

However, when examining the output from the latter tool, I’m unclear about what the extracted .nii (e.g., values 1-6) and .txt files (e.g., different lines) represent for each of my components/network. Attached, you will find a visualization of both files as an example for one component/network. 

I would be very grateful if someone could elaborate on the meaning of these outputs. My next step would be to binarize the components and multiply each with the atlas file. However, I am unsure whether a cluster with small "n" (which I think lines 4-6 of my text file represent) should be integrated. 

Many thanks,
Anna Kwiatkowski
PhD candidate
University Hospital RWTH Aachen