help > RRC 1st Level Correlation Options
8 hours ago | Spencer Upton - University of Missouri
RRC 1st Level Correlation Options


The first level analyses give the option to select from 4 functional connectivity measures (e.g., correlation bivariate, correlation semipartial, regression bivariate, regression multivariate). 

My question is: Would CONN have any interest in adding additional options in the future? For example, some recent papers have come out showing the benefits of distance-based correlation over pearson correlation (see reference below).

Yoo K, Rosenberg MD, Noble S, Scheinost D, Constable RT, Chun MM. Multivariate approaches improve the reliability and validity of functional connectivity and prediction of individual behaviors. Neuroimage. 2019;197:212-223. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.04.060