help > RE: Problem with running the code
Aug 1, 2013  12:08 PM | Félix Renard
RE: Problem with running the code

I am new user of ShapeWorks. I try to use the Linux executable. It works for the Torus exemple. It also works on my data for the different preprocessing of ShapeWorksGroom.
Nevertheless when I use the ShapeWorksRun, I receive this following errors:
itk::ExceptionObject (0xf4803610)
Location: "bool itk::ParticleRegionDomain::ApplyConstraints(itk::ParticleRegionDomain::PointType&) const [with unsigned int VDimension = 3u, itk::ParticleRegionDomain::PointType = itk::Point]"
File: /media/Shared/ShapeWorksCode/ShapeWorksNITRC/source/code/ITKParticleSystem/itkParticleRegionDomain.h
Line: 78
Description: itk::ERROR: ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain(0x936c338): Point [-87.6903, 56.9256, 71.3354] is outside of the specified Domain,  with bounding box [-125.69, 96.9256, 120.335] - [-50.6903, -13.0744, 30.3354]

Will I need to build the source code?
Would you please help me to figure out these problems?

Best regards,

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Hengameh Mirzaalian Jun 13, 2012
Manasi Datar Jun 13, 2012
Hengameh Mirzaalian Jun 14, 2012
Manasi Datar Jun 14, 2012
RE: Problem with running the code
Félix Renard Aug 1, 2013