help > RE: Conn-Preprocessing-Band-Pass
Apr 9, 2015  12:04 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Conn-Preprocessing-Band-Pass
Hi Fidan,

If you go to first-level analysis and select in the Sources list one or several ROIs, the display in the left will show you the mean BOLD signal across time within the selected ROI(s) (just select a couple of ROIs to see those BOLD timeseries superimposed as a way to visualize their correlation). Let me know if this is what you were referring to.

Originally posted by Fidan OZCAN:
Hi Alfonso,

I just have another question about my conn analysis. Do you know how can I plot the mean Bold signal in regions of interest so that I can visualize the correlations in the BOLD signal within two regions along time?

Thanks a lot


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Fidan OZCAN Apr 2, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 6, 2015
Fidan OZCAN Apr 7, 2015
Fidan OZCAN Apr 8, 2015
RE: Conn-Preprocessing-Band-Pass
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 9, 2015