help > RE: Second level random effects analysis
Jun 4, 2015  04:06 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Second level random effects analysis
Hi Kaitlin,

Yes, for seed-to-voxel analyses you may first create an accompanying second-level analysis where you select your 7 conditions/timepoints and enter a contrast eye(7), run those analyses (click on 'results explorer') and notice the folder where those new analyses are stored. Then go back to the results explorer window of your original analysis (the one where you get the significant clusters that you want to explore), click on 'display values', and change the option that reads something like 'display effect sizes from this analysis' to 'display effect sizes from other analyses (SPM.mat file)', selecting there the SPM.mat file that was created in the first step above. That will display, for each suprathreshold cluster, the connectivity averages and error-bars for each timepoint separately. Let me know if that is what you were after.

If, instead of seed-to-voxel analyses, you want to use ROI-to-ROI analyses, then those condition-specific effects will be displayed directly in the main CONN gui second-level results tab above each target ROI as a small popup bar display when you use any contrast that involves multiple conditions (select one or multiple target ROIs in that display or in the result table to view the effect sizes within the selected target ROIs).

Originally posted by Kaitlin Cassady:
Hi Alfonso,

Thank you for the very helpful response! By the way, is there a way to plot the subject-average contrast estimates (effect sizes) for each of the 7 time points at the peak coordinate/cluster? I noticed that I am able to extract and plot the average connectivity values from clusters of interest for each subject, but I am wondering if there is a way to plot this for each time point?

Threaded View

Kaitlin Cassady May 30, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 30, 2015
Kaitlin Cassady Jun 4, 2015
RE: Second level random effects analysis
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 4, 2015
Kaitlin Cassady Jun 5, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 8, 2015
Kevin Mann Jun 16, 2016
Kaitlin Cassady Jun 8, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 9, 2015
Kaitlin Cassady Jun 9, 2015