help > RE: Voxel-to-Voxel analysis
Aug 24, 2015  07:08 AM | Annie Möller - Karolinska Institutet
RE: Voxel-to-Voxel analysis
Thank you Alfonso, your answer helped me a lot and I am really gretful that you take the time to answer questions on this forum!

A couple of follow-up questions though:

1) Does "eye(5)" mean that all the effects in "connectome-MVPA_1", "connectome-MVPA_2", "....MVPA_3", 4 and 5 are shown in the same window? In that case, how could it be that I find significant clusters in the components separately, but not when I select all 5 components and eye(5)? Does this contrast compare the components in any way?

2) I am not sure what you mean by "whole-brain ROI-to-ROI analyses"? Like using atlas-ROI's for the whole brain and do a comprehensive ROI-toROI analysis with all of them?

3) If I would like to use found clusters from the Voxel-to-Voxel analysis to perform a seed-to-Voxel analysis, is it correct to use all the clusters in one components as ONE ROI, making it 5 new seed-ROI's (if I have some significant custers in all 5 components)? Or should I use each separate cluster as a new seed-ROI? I guess I will use the "Export mask" in the results explorer to do this.

4) Regarding barplots of effect-sizes; for example, in the first component I get 3 clusters that have significance with my selected contrasts. If I then use the "Import values"- and "Display values"-buttons in the lower right corner of results explorer I get some nice bar-plots. There are 3 pairs of bars, one pair for each cluster, and each pair has a T1- and a T2-bar (i guess... they are called "measure 1" and "measure 2"). But where are my groups?? Is it not possible to see differences in Effect-size between groups as barplots?

Thanks again/

Threaded View

Annie Möller Aug 20, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 21, 2015
RE: Voxel-to-Voxel analysis
Annie Möller Aug 24, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 24, 2015
Annie Möller Aug 28, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 29, 2015
Annie Möller Sep 1, 2015