help > RE: Custom List of MNI coordinates - size of ROIs
Oct 8, 2015  04:10 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Custom List of MNI coordinates - size of ROIs
Hi Nicola,

The .tal format requires explicitly listing all voxel coordinates within your ROI (one voxel per row). I would probably suggest to use WFUpickatlas to very easily define this sort of spherical ROIs with arbitrary sizes. 

And the "dimensions" field in Setup.ROIs referse to how many BOLD signal timeseries would you like to extract from each ROI. Use 1 to simply extract the average BOLD signal within each ROI, or a number greater than 1 to extract additional principal component score signals (representing the signals explaining the largest possible variance across all of the voxels within each ROI)

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Nicola Toschi:
Hi Alfonso,

I am defining a custom list of ROI based on a .txt file (which I renamed to a .tal file) which contains 3 columns with {x,y,z} coordinates in MNI space. There are 21 ROIs (hence 21 rows) in the .tal file.

My questions are:

- How can i define the size of each ROI? In other words, will conn use a single voxel as the ROI, or do I ave control about (e.g.) selecting a fixed-size region around each voxel defined by a row in the .tal file?

- How do I assign labels (i.e. names) to the 21 ROIs (does not look like these should go in the .tal file)?

- What is does the "Dimension" field relate to? Maybe my first poitn above?

Thank you very much in advance!


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Nicola Toschi Oct 6, 2015
RE: Custom List of MNI coordinates - size of ROIs
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 8, 2015
Nicola Toschi Oct 8, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 9, 2015
Nicola Toschi Oct 9, 2015