help > RE: Matlab 2015a error when starting CONN 15g
Oct 22, 2015  10:10 AM | Catherine Hubbard - BCH
RE: Matlab 2015a error when starting CONN 15g
Hi Alfonso,
Thanks. It seems I resolved the error for now. It appears it was a combination of things. we have just transitioned to ubuntu on our mac server and I am connecting remotely via mac os x 10.9.5 and trying to open previously analyzed data. Matlab was throwing errors and crashing but adding the flag -softwareopengl at the command line when I call matlab has helped and I moved my conn toolbox path to the top, so far so good for now at least.

I'm wondering if I could contact you directly via e-mail regarding the possibility of giving a talk to our group in the near future?

Thanks again for all your help.



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Catherine Hubbard Oct 21, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 22, 2015
RE: Matlab 2015a error when starting CONN 15g
Catherine Hubbard Oct 22, 2015
Catherine Hubbard Oct 22, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 27, 2015
Patrick McConnell Jan 12, 2017
Yilin Liu Aug 30, 2017