help > reporting 3-way interaction
May 3, 2016  12:05 PM | Bruno Baumann
reporting 3-way interaction
Dear Alfredo,

after reading several posts I'm still a bit puzzled how to report the results of a mixed-design ANOVA.
I set up a 2x2x2 model (group, condition, roi). The 3-way interaction gives me a T-value instead of F-values which would be expected for a rmANOVA for example.
group: [1 -1]
condition: [1 -1]
roi: [1 -1]
If I understand correctly this is founded in the way results are calculated (t-tests for within-subject-effects on 1st-level, subsequent results in t-tests on 2nd level (between-subjects-effects))
If I want to report F-values is it the correct way to calculate the F=t^2 as indicated in that post (
I hope the specifications are sufficient.
Thanks in advance and best wishes,

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reporting 3-way interaction
Bruno Baumann May 3, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 3, 2016
Helene Veenstra Aug 31, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 1, 2016
Helene Veenstra Sep 2, 2016