help > RE: Extra scans in condition specification?
Sep 30, 2016  04:09 AM | Yuan-Fang Zhao
RE: Extra scans in condition specification?
Dear Alfonso,

Thanks for your clarification. Although I understand why Conn toolbox implement weighted correlation, i.e., the hrf convolved blocks for calculation ROI-ROI correlation, I am still a bit confused on if this step is necessary. As by default, the Conn toolbox, in the Preprocessing step, has regressed out task effects convolved with the hrf as well as other covariates like with matter and CSF, is it still necessary to convolve the hrf or hanning window function with the stimulus blocks to capture the effect of hrf on the pseudo "rest" time courses? Or anywhere I was misunderstanding? 


Best Regards,


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Pravesh Parekh Dec 17, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Dec 17, 2015
RE: Extra scans in condition specification?
Yuan-Fang Zhao Sep 30, 2016
Pravesh Parekh Dec 17, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Dec 17, 2015
Pravesh Parekh Jan 25, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 25, 2016