users > Unit for registration
Dec 19, 2016  12:12 AM | Dan Xie - UCSF
Unit for registration
Hi Developers and Advanced Users,

I have a question regarding units of the images --- I got fluorescent image stacks from a light-sheet microscope and the FOV is ~ 600 microns. When saving the images as .nrrd files, I selected micron as the length unit. However, in the user guide, I see that the --grid-spacing option in the warp tool has a unit of mm (or is it just a number ?). Should I change my image metadata to replace micron units with mm, or I can just use it as it is? Thanks!


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Unit for registration
Dan Xie Dec 19, 2016
Greg Jefferis Dec 19, 2016
Dan Xie Dec 19, 2016
Greg Jefferis Dec 19, 2016
Dan Xie Dec 20, 2016
Greg Jefferis Dec 20, 2016
Dan Xie Jan 3, 2017
Greg Jefferis Jan 3, 2017