help > Inconsistent ROI-ROI results
Jan 24, 2017  04:01 AM | Isabella Breukelaar
Inconsistent ROI-ROI results
Hi CONN experts, 

I did an ROI-ROI gPPI analysis in CONN using a region in the parietal cortex as a seed and extracted connectivity values ROIs in the frontal and anterior cingulate cortices. I then did the same using the frontal ROI as a seed and extracting connectivity values for ROIs in parietal cortex. When I look at the results, they are quite different depending on it is a parietal seed to my frontal ROI vs a frontal seed to the same parietal ROI, however I would have expected that these results be the same. Would anybody be able to explain to me why connectivity would change between the exact same two regions depending on which one was selected as the seed?


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Inconsistent ROI-ROI results
Isabella Breukelaar Jan 24, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 27, 2017
Isabella Breukelaar Jun 14, 2019
premurax Dec 19, 2020
premurax Dec 23, 2020
Isabella Breukelaar Jan 30, 2017