help > Graph theory measures - line numbers
May 26, 2017  01:05 PM | Virginia Aglieri
Graph theory measures - line numbers
Dear CONN users, 

I am trying to explore my results using graph theory. In particular, I would like to correlate measures of global and local efficiency with behavioral scores.
There is something which is unclear to me though: when I select 1 condition alone (e.g. voice), the resulting .mat file (graph_theory.networkmeasures.results.GlobalEfficiency) contains 90 measures (the number of my subjects, which I can then correlate to the  behavioral scores), but when I contrast 2 conditions (voice > non-voice), I get 180 measures (90 measures for each condition?) so I am not sure what these 180 lines represent and how I can correlate these measures with my scores.

I hope that this is clear. I would be grateful if you could help me to understand this issue. 

Best regards, 