help > RE: graph theory measures questions
Jun 1, 2017  06:06 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: graph theory measures questions
Hi Jeff,
The order of the rows in that .csv file is subjects * conditions, in the same order as they appear in your CONN project. In your case that means that first you will get the 30 subjects data from time1 followed by the 30 subjects data from time2 (subjects appear in the same order as they are listed in Setup, so not necessarily sorted by groups)
Originally posted by Jeff Browndyke:
Hi, Alfonso.

Just to piggyback on this thread.  When one performs the "export data" function for the graph analyses, what is the order of the data output for the rows?  

For instance, I have a model currently with two groups (-1 1) and two time points (-1 1).  There are 15 subjects in each group and the resulting .csv file has 60 rows, which I'm assuming should correspond to group 1 time 1, group 2 time 1, group 1 time 2, and group 2 time 2, right?  I just want to double-check this order of the output before I start slicing up the .csv file for chart visualization.

Thanks and warm regards,

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Alain Imaging May 17, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 1, 2017
Jeff Browndyke Jun 1, 2017
RE: graph theory measures questions
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 1, 2017
Alain Imaging May 29, 2017