help > Very high connectivity values
Jan 17, 2018  02:01 AM | Isabella Breukelaar
Very high connectivity values
Dear CONN experts,

I have run a gPPI analysis in the CONN toolbox. When I extract my values (using the import values button in the second level analysis window) for a particular condition and seed (in ROI-ROI) the connectivity values range from close to zero to +/- 40. This seems incredibly high for a connectivity value, especially a fisher transformed r value which is what I understood these values to be. 

I was wondering if someone could advise me why the values are so high and/or if this is normal? I would also love someone to clarify the difference between these fisher transformed r values and the fisher z's I most often see reported in connectivity papers - I have read through the forum but am still a little unsure of what I should be report. 

I also am getting a range of ROI targets that I did not input (CSF_Dim1, White  Matter_Dim15 etc.) what do these regions represent?

Thank you so much, 