help > Preprocessing error for subject fMRI timeseries during ART outlier detection step
Feb 26, 2018  12:02 AM | Adebayo Braimah - Laboratory of Neuroimaging (LONI)
Preprocessing error for subject fMRI timeseries during ART outlier detection step
Hello experts!,

Graduate student here, attempting to perform a connectivity analysis on several subjects. During the preprocessing steps in CONN during the ART outlier detection step, I receive the following error each time.

Has anyone encountered this error before? If so, how does one go about troubleshooting this error?

Any advice/suggestions would greatly be appreciated!

Thank you,


Error Description

Error using
While setting the 'YLim' property of Axes:
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf

Error in art>UpdateSummaryplot (line 847)
set(handles.globalMean,'xlim',[0,cur_sess_start],'ylim',(rng_minmax.*[-1 1])*[1.1,-.1;-.1,1.1]);
Error in art>diffsglobalandmotion_Callback (line 1005)
UpdateSummaryplot(hObject, eventdata, handles);
Error in art>art_OpeningFcn (line 520)
diffsglobalandmotion_Callback(hObject, [], handles, 2*use_diff_global-1, 2*use_diff_motion-1);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 220)
feval(gui_State.gui_OpeningFcn, gui_hFigure, [], guidata(gui_hFigure), varargin{:});
Error in art (line 143)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in conn_art (line 8)
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 1909)
else h=conn_art('sess_file',matlabbatch{n}.art,'visible','off');
Error in conn (line 894)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.17.f
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2014b
storage: 2123742.8Gb available
spm @ /usr/local/spm12
conn @ /usr/local/conn

Has anyone encountered this error before? If so, how does one go about troubleshooting this error?

Any advice/suggestions would greatly be appreciated!

Threaded View

Preprocessing error for subject fMRI timeseries during ART outlier detection step
Adebayo Braimah Feb 26, 2018
Tien Nguyen Jul 18, 2018
madeleine Dec 5, 2018
madeleine Dec 6, 2018