help > FWE correction ROI-to-ROI FC & covariate
Mar 22, 2018  04:03 PM | Virginia Aglieri
FWE correction ROI-to-ROI FC & covariate
Dear CONN users, 

I am asking for your help on a question regarding correction for multiple comparisons in a second-level ROI-to-ROI analysis with a single covariate. 
More precisely, I want to see if functional connectivity from one of my seeds increases with higher scores at a behavioural test. I am using CONN v17. 

When I look at results in results explorer, I select one of the seeds and define a ROI-to-ROI connections (by intensity) threshold (the only option available) and then I correct at p-FDR analysis-level < 0.05.

My question is: why I cannot correct for FWE? Is a multiple comparison at FDR here acceptable or should I carry out a further correction manually? 

Any help/advice on this will be highly appreciated. 
Best regards,
