help > Error during Setup: importing ROI data
Sep 4, 2018  12:09 PM | Chabran Eléna
Error during Setup: importing ROI data
Dear experts,

When trying to run the Setup step in my connectivity analysis in Conn toolbox, an error occurs at "Step 5/7" while importing ROIs data. It reads as follows:


Error using spm_slice_vol
File too small.
Error in spm_read_vols (line 34)
Y(:,:,p,i) = spm_slice_vol(V(i),spm_matrix([0 0 p]),V(i).dim(1:2),0);
Error in conn_process (line 599)
Error in conn_process (line 14)
case 'setup', disp(['CONN: RUNNING SETUP STEP']); conn_process([0:4,4.5,5]);
Error in conn (line 2999)
else conn_process('setup');
Error in conn_menumanager (line 119)
CONN v.16.b
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2012b
storage: 248.0Gb available

It always occurs for the same subject (patient 18 out of 57), and when I remove this subject from the dataset the error now occurs for the next subject, so it doesn't seem to be dependent on the functional images. And I tried to run the analysis with 4D or 3D images, with the same result.

I also obtain the same error simply when clicking on the corresponding subject in the Setup window, in the "grey matter" or "white matter" section.

I am stuck and I hope someone can provide some useful advice!
Thank you in advance for your help

Eléna Chabran

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Error during Setup: importing ROI data
Chabran Eléna Sep 4, 2018
Johanna Martin Sep 4, 2018
Chabran Eléna Sep 11, 2018