help > RE: a potential bug in the setup stage of bash scripts
Oct 10, 2018  10:10 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: a potential bug in the setup stage of bash scripts

I am not exactly sure what you mean here. The syntax:

  conn_batch( 'Setup.analyses', [1 3] );

for example (or, equivalently, including a BATCH.Setup.analyses=[1,3]; line in a more complex batch structure definition), would be equivalent to selecting in the Setup.Options tab the first and third options ('ROI-to-ROI' and 'Voxel-to-Voxel' options) under the 'Enabled analyses' list. There is no 'Setup.steps' option in CONN's batch command structure. If you could please give me more details about your batch script perhaps that will help me better understand the issue that you are running into.

Originally posted by Yuan-Fang Zhao:
Hi developers,

With the newest version of CONN, version 18a, I found that it was not able to specify specific analysis rountine (say ROI-ROI analysis) with BATCH.Setup.analyses. The analysis rountine can only be specified with BATCH.Setup.steps. However, the conn_batch help document suggests the usage of BATCH.Setup.analyses. I think this may be misleading.


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Yuan-Fang Zhao Oct 3, 2018
RE: a potential bug in the setup stage of bash scripts
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 10, 2018