help > Atrophy correction
Oct 31, 2018 09:10 PM | mm_44
Atrophy correction
I am conducting seed-based analyses with between-group comparisons.
Given the fact that I work with neurodegenerative patients, one of the reviewer has required gray matter atrophy correction. I have a few questions and any advice could help:
1) is it possible on CONN and has anyone ever tried it?
2) what are the best approaches? a voxel-wise correction using Biological Parametric Mapping? using total GM volume or GM volume in my seed ROI as a covariate?
If anyone has references to suggest me, that would be great!
I am conducting seed-based analyses with between-group comparisons.
Given the fact that I work with neurodegenerative patients, one of the reviewer has required gray matter atrophy correction. I have a few questions and any advice could help:
1) is it possible on CONN and has anyone ever tried it?
2) what are the best approaches? a voxel-wise correction using Biological Parametric Mapping? using total GM volume or GM volume in my seed ROI as a covariate?
If anyone has references to suggest me, that would be great!
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Title | Author | Date |
mm_44 | Oct 31, 2018 | |
Benxamin varela | Aug 8, 2020 | |