help > RE: weird numerical labels on second level folders
Jan 18, 2019  09:01 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: weird numerical labels on second level folders
Hi Emily,

Yes, that is a temporal workaround which tries to stop CONN from creating excessively long directory names (if the name length exceeds certain threshold CONN will just crop it and add a shorter pseudorandom set of numbers instead). The workaround exists because those long directory names were adding up and causing a number of issues in different operating systems. This workaround is, nevertheless, somewhat crude so I am hoping that at some point I will get around implementing something a bit more stable (which will probably involve having simpler folder names in conjunction with a _list_folders.txt file describing what each folder contains, just like what we do with ROI names and condition names in CONN) but that has not happened yet. In the meantime, I generally recommend simply defining short covariate names, and using instead the recent 'description' field (this is available since 17b) for each second-level covariate to include a more descriptive explanation of what that variable represents. 

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Emily Stern:
Hi Experts,

I am using conn 17f, and for some of my second level comparisons, the created folders have strange numerical labels rather than the names of the contrast, which is listed correctly in the gui. This happens for some but not all comparisons.
For instance, one comparison with say, QIDS_sum covariate, will correctly create a folder called:

but if I choose a different covariate, say, a variable called "MAIA_Noticing_average" (which is displayed correctly in the gui), the folder is called:
(see attached screenshot)

This is not specific to these variables but happens with several others as well. I think this may have to do with the length of the covariate name. Long covariate names give me the numbered folders, short ones correctly label the folder with the contrast name. Is there any fix to this (in newer versions of conn?) or should I just shorten my variable names?


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Emily Stern Jan 18, 2019
RE: weird numerical labels on second level folders
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 18, 2019
Emily Stern Jan 22, 2019